Father, You’ve called us to be light in a world full of darkness. You’ve also called us to be peacemakers in as much as it is possible. Sometimes when we take a stand for righteousness it does not bring a peaceful resolution, but instead, further conflict arises. Then we go through a surge of emotions…

Just as a loving parent takes the hand of a wobbly child to love, lead, protect, and steady him so it is with You, Father, who upholds us with Your righteous right hand. After all, it is Jesus at Your right hand who is always interceding for us. No tempest storm can overtake You and…

Father, thank You for speaking to us through Your Word, other believers, and through serious events in our lives. You beamed Your searchlight from the portals of heaven to show us how lost we were. We’re tremendously blessed to know that celestial beings held a celebration in heaven when we chose to be Your followers….

God You have made Your wonders to be acknowledged, appreciated and acclaimed throughout the earth. Your presence is seen and felt in that which is visible and that which is hidden from the human eye. All of creation is a result of Your design and handiwork. I acknowledge You as the Creator of the universe…

Father, You are the Divine cardiologist who knows the very inmost part of my spiritual heart. People see only the outward person when I am proficient at presenting myself differently than the person I really am inside, but I cannot hide from You that which comes from my inward parts. You liken the heart to…

Father, we know that none of us are 100% humble, for we are clothed in these mortal, fallible bodies. But we do know that Jesus is the model of One completely humble in His humanity and divinity. He did not consider equality with You, our Father, something to be grasped but took on His personhood…

Father, since this pilgrimage on earth, is all we’ve known since birth, far too often we consider it a permanent dwelling. But the prophet Isaiah gives us a true perspective of our transient life when he writes, “The grass withers and the flowers fade, but the Word of the Lord endures forever.” Help us to…

Father, we do well to dwell on Your daily benefits that give us cause for praise and thanksgiving. Why we often focus on one unpleasantry turning it over and over in our minds and yet neglect the multiple blessings that pour into our lives daily is a work of the enemy. When we willfully, dutifully…

Father, we are called to imitate You. When we imitate You there is not a hint of evil in our behavior; we are not deceived by empty words but live as children of light and have nothing to do with the fruitless deeds of darkness but rather expose them. Help us to be careful, then,…

In thanksgiving, we lift our voices of praise from grateful hearts, Father, as we sing songs of praise and adoration to You, our blessed King. Whether in seasons of prosperity or in seasons of want we find Your grace sufficient to meet each one of our needs. You guide us, protect us, and You provide…

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