A Prayer If You Are Somewhere Between Doubt And Believing

Father, we thank You for Jesus, the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world. He took away our sins through His shed blood on the cross. At thirty-three years of age, He completed the mission for which He came to earth when He walked the Via Dolorosa all the way to Calvary where He would lay down His innocent life for the guilty sins of mankind. He did this because of His redeeming love for the human race. We know Who, how, where and why Jesus gave His all that we might be pardoned of our sin and receive forgiveness with the tremendous benefit of eternal life in heaven. Words are inadequate to express our gratitude for such wondrous, selfless, and redemptive love seen through Christ Jesus our Lord, so we express it in more than just words but with our very lives; for love so amazing, so divine demands my soul, my life, my all. Amen.



