A Prayer For Overseers

Father, as we earnestly contend for the faith, we’re thankful for pastors and Christian leaders who labor, study, pray and observe the times to keep us on our guard against the schemes of our adversary, the devil. Keep us alert, somber, and ready for action when our overseers warn us of Satan’s scheming strategies so that we take heed, proceed cautiously and become wise and discerning. May their teaching and guidance stimulate us to study for ourselves that which You want to show us in Your Word that will keep us on our guard and effective in our Christian walk. We lift up our Christian leaders to You, knowing that they are subject to even greater temptation since the devil is extremely zealous in his attempt to silence the messenger. May they be merciful to others, snatching them from the fire, all the while hating even the clothes stained by corrupted flesh so that they do not defile themselves or dishonor Your name. Amen.



