A Prayer For Being Light In A Dark World

Father, as I commit myself to You this day, I ask that You help me to walk in Your light. Make me a glowing ember of Your truth, Your wisdom, and Your compassionate mercy. I want my light to shine for You so that all glory will be directed back to You, my source of light. If I find myself in the midst of a circle of those engaged in ungodly conversation help me not to blend in. But rather help me to be the light of Your glory in my conversation, full of grace seasoned with salt, so that I will know how to respond to each person. I ask that You would reveal to me any false motivation for carrying out good deeds. Remind me that it is for Your glory that I do these things. It is neither for the praise of others nor for personal advancement. Lord, help me to share Your light today that will direct one’s thoughts toward my Father in heaven. In the Name of Jesus, I pray. Amen.



