A Prayer For Christmas Preparation

Jesus, though You would ultimately surrender Your life at Calvary, You willingly took on flesh and lived among an imperfect human race in a fallen world. In great humility, You stripped Yourself of the privilege, position, power and wealth You possessed in heaven. When You walked among Your people You experienced betrayal, misunderstanding, hatred, and temptation, yet You were without sin. Even as You made necessary preparations to come to this earth and live among a sinful people, help us to prepare our heart, mind, and soul to be among Your holy people that will make a spiritual difference on this side all the while growing our affection for our future eternal home. Just as You gave of Yourself so will help us to willingly give of ourselves as a fragrant offering to You and as a witness to this sin-darkened world. In Your name, Jesus, we pray. Amen.



