A Prayer For Faithful Declaration

Father, You’ve called us to be light in a world full of darkness. You’ve also called us to be peacemakers in as much as it is possible. Sometimes when we take a stand for righteousness it does not bring a peaceful resolution, but instead, further conflict arises. Then we go through a surge of emotions and doubts begin to arise regarding our stand. Would You help us to be diligent in our study, prayerful about our stand, and immersed in Your Holy Word. Lord, as we take a position against the evil side of our land help us to be unapologetic in our stand and very consistent in our Christian walk. May we, by example and word, say to the fallen world that we serve not the god of this age, but we serve a King who is ageless and eternal. We lift up our persecuted brothers and sisters and their families who are paying a heavy price for their stand both physically and emotionally. May their spirits be strengthened as they continue to lift up their soul to You for infilling from Your Holy Spirit. Amen.



