A Prayer For Hearing God’s Voice

Jesus, day after day, we hear familiar voices and repeated sounds that have become a routine part of our lives. In the midst of all the clamoring noises we want to make time in our busy schedule to become familiar with Your voice so that we’re led by Your spirit in that which we do and say. We want to be quick in hearing Your voice prompting us, “This is the way” when tempted to walk in our own ways. We want Your Holy Spirit to convict and bring us to repentance when we have sinned. We also want to be familiar with Your affirming voice that says, “Well done” when we have been obedient to Your beckoning call. Soften our hearts, Lord, so that we not only hear Your voice, but we also feel Your compassion for those whom You bring into our lives today. In Your Name, Jesus, we pray. Amen.



