A Prayer For Humility


Father, we know that none of us are completely humble, for we are clothed in these mortal, fallible bodies. But we do know that Jesus is the model of One completely humble in His humanity and divinity. He did not consider equality with You, our Father, something to be grasped but took on His personhood as a man and became obedient to death on the cross. We look to Him as the supreme example of humility and obedience. As we clothe ourselves in Your righteousness we can overcome the pride that is ever before us. We recognize that no good thing can come from us, but all that is good comes from You. Remind us daily that the attitude of gratitude is the antidote for feelings of pride. When we acknowledge that everything we have and all that we are is due to Your merciful blessings we are humbled and grateful to You, the Giver of every good and perfect gift. Amen.




