A Prayer For Lighthouse Keepers

Father, we who were once darkness, are now light in the Lord, through our salvation in Christ Jesus. We live as children of light partaking of the fruit of the light which consists in all goodness, righteousness and truth. We seek to find out what pleases You, rather than ourselves. The vast majority take no thought for their future life but live only for the “here and now”. They gather treasures that have no eternal value, that are washed away like the sand when the waves wash upon the shore. To their eternal demise they dismiss the treasures that last for all eternity; those which never perish, spoil or fade kept in heaven for believers who will later claim their treasure trove. Help us, as children of light, to be faithful in exposing the darkness of this world and the dangers that lie therein, warning those who travel alongside us to prepare not just for this life, but for all of eternity. Amen.



