A Prayer For Living Within The Boundaries

Father, as we consider the fault tolerance designed in products by engineers many times the items are used in less than perfect circumstances. We consider Your fault tolerance in relation to Your chosen people. We are forgiven of our sins as we receive Your redemptive love and forsake our sinful ways, yet we falter from time to time and don’t measure up according to Biblical standards on many occasions. Still, Your mercy and love are just as powerful and available to us as when we first surrendered our hearts to You. Yet when we choose to sin or take on a pattern of sinful behavior we are dealt with the consequences of such rebellion toward You. We see the disastrous choices people make who are not believers, but we also see it among some who claim to believe. The consequences are the same for believer and unbeliever. You may not call the believer to account immediately, but the fall-out from sinful choices can follow us the rest of our days on earth and spill over to many that we love and have the opportunity to influence. Father, we ask for Your help as we make daily choices to stay within Your Biblical boundaries so that we can enjoy Your blessing and not risk being unprepared to meet You should we be called out of this world without warning. Jesus told His followers to “Be ready” for He could come back any day. So I want to be ready for His unannounced return or for my unexpected departure through death. Amen.



