Father, help me to realize that bitterness results from my accommodation to deep seated anger for unfortunate circumstances usually beyond my control. When I choose to harbor anger and an unforgiving spirit I do the greatest harm to myself rather than my offender. The pain and grief related to my heartache grows into a poisonous vine that begins to entwine itself around my heart. Instead of seeing the abundant blessings that You shower upon me daily and the countless times You’ve forgiven me for my sinful behavior, I focus on the raging storms that have left destruction and debris along my path. Father, You want me to turn away from my bitter rage and choose to safely abide under Your wings of protection. Help me to find refuge in You instead of cultivating my pain. Only You can bring healing and restoration for my soul. Help me to release my bitterness and embrace Your balm of healing. In the name of Jesus I pray. Amen.
A Prayer For Overcoming Bitterness