A Prayer For The Redeemed

Father, the vast majority won’t get asked to sing a solo in church nor do they play musical instruments. Even clapping their hands in rhythm is a major challenge. Perhaps they will be granted these skills in heaven where they will enjoy that which they were denied here on earth. But, whether we’re skilled musicians or sing off-pitch, or are unable to locate middle C on a piano, we can still shout for joy to You. We can worship You with gladness and come before You with joyful songs derived from sincere hearts of worship. Voices that the trained ear on earth might turn away, You wholeheartedly welcome because it comes with grateful worship and heartfelt praise. We dedicate to You that which You have given us and we praise You, Lord. We praise You in Your sanctuary; we praise You in Your mighty heavens. We praise You for your acts of power and for Your surpassing greatness. We join the millions who respond in praise to You, since You invite everything that has breath to praise the Lord. In the song of the redeemed, we praise You, for You reign! Amen.



