A Prayer For Those In The Greatest Contest

Jesus, the race You’ve marked out for us doesn’t require nearly as much physical stamina as it does spiritual endurance. Those who are physically weak due to disease, illness, and aging are just as qualified to run as those who have young athletic bodies. It’s a spiritual race where You call us to perseverance as we discard anything that would trip us up or lead us on a disastrous detour. The great cloud of witnesses spur us on; those from the Biblical period, throughout history and from our own generation. But above all I thank You, Jesus, that You endured the cross and all the suffering that accompanied it being spurred on by the joy You knew would be Yours on the other side of the cross. You cheer us on by Your own example and by the power of the indwelling Holy Spirit when we become weary in our struggle against sin as we participate in this greatest of contests. Keep us faithful, Lord. Amen.



