A Prayer For Those Suffering

Father, no one who comes to You through Jesus goes away unable to find reconciliation with You, for You save completely and to the uttermost. Because Your Son lives and intercedes for us we have renewed hope daily for the circumstances of our lives and for the people that are dear to our hearts. We lift up the families and friends of Christian worshipers who were slaughtered by Islamic terrorists in Sri Lanka on Easter Sunday. We also pray for those who survived but are dealing with injuries, from minor to life-altering, some barely clinging to life. Though the circumstances are so very dreadful, we know that Your redemptive and healing power will result in people giving testimony of Your faithfulness even in the midst of such horror. May people be saved and the enemy is defeated, to the dismay of those who wish harm upon followers of Christ. Fill our hearts anew with hope, encouragement, and endurance as we stand upon Your Word and fully trust You to guide our lives this day, in the good times and in the bad. Amen.



