A Prayer Of Comfort

Father, we thank You that we don’t grieve as those who have no hope after our Christian loved ones take up residence in heaven. It’s hard, though, because we’re unable to converse with them or hug them or even to lovingly help them when they’re in need. But we’re also reassured they’re in safe-keeping, in better surroundings than any of us can imagine on this side of heaven. They’re in better physical condition than that of a newborn babe for they’ve exchanged their decaying perishable body for a perfect, imperishable body that is disease free and ageless. To think of their access to the great apostle Paul or the courageous prophet, Daniel, to sit at the very feet of Jesus, to hear the angel choir filling the heavens with their worshipful hallelujahs. It’s more than the human mind can possibly grasp, yet it awaits us when we take our flight to our eternal home. Keep us faithful, hopeful, and full of anticipation for that great and mighty day when we will make that final eternal transition to where our inheritance lies. In the name of Jesus, we pray. Amen



