A Prayer Of Thanks For God’s Care

Father, though we feel at times no one cares about our needs or even notices that we are in need, we are assured that You take notice and You do care for us. We are invited to pour out the contents of our heart to You. We are not silenced because You’re too preoccupied with other matters or unable to meet our need. The prophet Isaiah reminds us that Your arm is not too weak to save us nor is your ear too deaf to hear us when we call upon You. You never weary of hearing from us, for Your heart is touched by our grief, our perplexities, our weaknesses and our loneliness. We thank You that we can cast our cares upon You because You really do care for us. The best of what You have for us is yet to come in the life eternal when that which contributes to our heartaches of this life will no longer exist. We thank You for being the best Caregiver we will ever have. Amen.



