Author: SpiritualLight

  • A Prayer Placing My Life In God’s Hands

    n Father, many look for quick answers or temporal solutions to life’s difficulties, but as for me I seek after You, and place my cause before You as I wait expectantly for the God of my salvation to hear and answer me. Just as David sought safety from King Saul by hiding in mountains and…

  • A Prayer Of Trust

    n Father, we don’t always know where our present steps will take us on life’s journey, but we do know they lead us to heaven as we walk with You. Our steps here may lead to steep mountains or deep valleys. Crooked paths and rough terrain may be part of the journey, but ultimately we…

  • A Prayer Of Thanks For Salvation

    Father, You made Jesus who had no sin to be sin for us, so that in Him we might become the righteousness of God. Nothing within ourselves or our works could elevate us to such a lofty position nor could it open the door to salvation or obtain for us the eternal dwelling Jesus is…

  • A Prayer Of Victory

    Father, spiritual blessings come from You in the midst of Satan’s attacks and because of this essential truth we know that if You are for us, who can be against us! There is no formidable foe that cannot be conquered as the power of Your Holy Spirit enables us to remain faithful and ever growing…

  • A Prayer For Those Who Go

    Father, Your reign is eternal, from everlasting to everlasting. Though millions have heard this powerful message there are still so many people groups who have not heard this glorious life-transforming truth. As You call dedicated believers to go to the ends of the earth, You also fit them with the readiness that comes from the…

  • A Prayer Of Confidence

    Father, just as You sent an angel to rescue Peter from Herod’s wrath You rescue us from the dangers, toils, and snares that overwhelm us. In the darkness of Peter’s cell the sudden appearance of an angel radiated light from heaven showing him the way to freedom. Help us to look to the light of…

  • A Prayer Of Thanks For The Blood

    Jesus, we’re so thankful for Your redeeming grace that exceeds our sin and our guilt. For where our sin increased, Your grace increased all the more. Your refuge for our sin-filled souls took place at the cross of Calvary where You shed Your precious blood so that we might find forgiveness for our sins. This…

  • A Prayer For The Wandering Heart

    Father, we choose not to live according to our sinful nature that will lead to a hopeless death, but we choose to live by Your Spirit that leads to a hope-filled life here on earth and for all eternity. Help us in our daily struggles that tempt us to wander from the heart of God.…

  • A Prayer For Godly Wisdom

    Father, we earnestly seek You for wisdom regarding the daily circumstances of our lives. Help us to incline our hearts toward You for understanding all that You have to teach us in the lessons of life. During the quiet sessions when Your voice seems silent help us to trust You knowing that You work all…

  • A Prayer For The Journey

    Father, this journey of faith began at Mile Marker One which was, for those who believe, the moment we personalized the tremendous sacrifice of Jesus’ death on the cross. After we repented of our sins we began this faith journey and the milestones along the way have assured us that the route we’re on leads…