Author: SpiritualLight

  • A Prayer For Staying On The Right Path

    Father, may the choices I make today reflect the Voice of Truth that points me in the way of life everlasting. If I should instead choose to go by my feelings about a matter I am sure to make a mistake I’ll later regret. But when I follow Your commands, they are not based upon…

  • A Prayer Of Thanks For Sufficient Grace

    Father, it is in our weaknesses that Your power becomes more visible in our lives. The “thorn in our flesh” is representative of those trials common to all followers of Christ. We call out for deliverance and yet endure the discomfort and affliction as a true soldier of the faith, all the while being “joyful…

  • A Prayer For Fitting Words

    Father, You know the exact number of words that will flow from my lips today, some of them meaningful and others meaningless. Would You help me to be conscious of the words I speak to others and make me sensitive to those who need caring words. Help me to look not only to my own…

  • A Prayer For Strength Each Morning

    Father, we look to You this day to bring us the word of Your unfailing love, for we have put our trust in You. You are our strength every morning and our security at night. Your steadfast love reaches to the heavens and Your faithfulness fills the skies. There is no one like You that…

  • A Prayer To Our Rock And Redeemer

    Father, Your statutes are trustworthy, Your precepts give joy to my heart. Your commands are radiant, giving light to my eyes. My reverence for You Lord is pure, may it endure forever. Your decrees are firm, Your statutes are trustworthy, and all of them are righteous. More to be desired are they than gold, yes,…

  • A Prayer Of Thanks For The Old Rugged Cross

    Father, there is no sin too great that Your mercy is not greater. We were born with a sin problem, but You provided the solution for our sin-sick souls through the wondrous sacrifice of Your Son Jesus Christ on the old rugged cross. We could never be good enough, rich enough, famous enough, or smart…

  • A Prayer For Children Of Light

    Father, as genuine Christians we have forsaken the darkness and chosen to walk in the light of Christ. In doing so we don’t want to substitute darkness for light or light for darkness. Otherwise we are expecting You to alter Your commands to accommodate the errant principles and philosophies of every nation, culture, and generation.…

  • A Prayer For Freedom From Greed

    Father, when we place our trust in You we’ve only begun to tap into the unlimited resources You make available to the believer. You have blessed us with Your special favor and Your unsurpassed peace and it only gets better and better as we grow to know You more and more. The illumination of Your…

  • A Prayer For Being A Kingdom Builder

    Father, we are barraged with colorful ads, luring commercials, and attractive displays enticing us to make grand purchases. When “material things” consume our soul they capture our passion, our wallets and our time. You have commanded us to seek first Your kingdom and Your righteousness and all these things will be added unto us. As…

  • A Prayer For A Heart Tune-up

    Father, I want my heart to be tuned to Your Truth and righteousness, for You are the Way, the Truth and the Life. I place my complete trust in You and reject the godless trends and vain philosophies promoted by the world. May Your words be embedded in my heart and mind through the faithful…