Author: SpiritualLight

  • A Prayer For A Forgiving Heart

    Father, thank You for giving us the capacity to forgive those who sin against us. Jesus serves as the supreme example of One who forgave those who betrayed, abandoned, lied, scourged, and drove the nails in His hands raising Him on the cross to be humiliated and mocked by onlookers. We will bear no offense…

  • A Prayer For Whole-Hearted Commitment

    Father, because of our human nature we are often drawn to activities and things that have no lasting or eternal value. But we want to earnestly pursue those opportunities which help us to honor You and keep us grounded in the life You have instructed us to live. A half-hearted believer is torn between serving…

  • A Prayer For A Worthy Walk

    Father, we want to continue to live in You; our faith being rooted and built up in You and strengthened through teaching from the Holy Scriptures and from following the example of godly believers. Help us to be faithful in our walk, in our talk, in our actions, and in expanding our spiritual knowledge so…

  • A Prayer For A Resolute Spirit

    Father, I confess that Jesus is my Savior. And because I do so, I am confident that Jesus will acknowledge me in heaven as Your child. And as a child of God there are sacrifices You ask of me here on earth; most especially a surrendered will so that I follow You and obey You…

  • A Prayer To Overcome Worry

    Father, along with the Psalmist David, we pray for relief from our distress. We pray that the light of Your face would shine upon us, for You have filled our hearts with greater joy than when grain and new wine abound. You give us a sense of security when we lie down so that we…

  • A Prayer For Transition

    Father, we are so very thankful for all the blessings we enjoyed over the past year. There were many opportunities for rejoicing and many opportunities for trusting. Your mercies are renewed daily and Your provision is experienced in our lives each moment of every day. We seek You for guidance in the new year and…

  • A Prayer of Joy

    Lord Jesus, Habakkuk reminds me that my joy is not derived from my abundant provisions. But rather my joy comes from God my Savior as I choose to rejoice in Him whether or not my pantry is overflowing. I rejoice in knowing that You are my strength as You enable me to descend the rigorous,…

  • A Prayer For Moral Strength

    Father God, help each of us to understand the wiles of the devil and to be steadfast in our determination to resist temptation at each step. We want to be self-controlled and alert, standing firm in the faith as we resist the devil who prowls around like a roaring lion seeking for someone to devour.…

  • A Prayer For Courage

    Father, it comes very naturally to encourage and instruct others in Your teachings. But it is much more difficult to bring loving correction to one who has chosen to live in disobedience to Your command. Help me to go forth as one pure in heart, humble in spirit, and earnest in prayer when I am…

  • A Prayer For Forgiveness

    Father, I pray that You would wash me, and I will be whiter than snow. Hide Your face from my sins which are great and dishonor You so much that I can’t bear for You to look upon them. Blot out all my iniquity. O Lord, open my lips, and my mouth that will enable…