Author: SpiritualLight

  • A Prayer For Walking In The Light

    Father, we choose to follow You all the days of our life. We find great assurance as we’re reminded that we will not be engulfed by the surrounding darkness of evil but instead Your radiant light will guide us to eternal blessing. Help us to walk by faith and not by sight holding onto Your…

  • A Prayer During The Time Of Trial

    Father, in today’s text, we notice that You were with Joseph “while” he was in the midst of a tremendous trial, due to no fault of his own. In fact, he was suffering because of the strong, moral stand he took in being a trustworthy servant. You don’t forsake us when we’re undergoing trial but…

  • A Prayer For Our Final Appointment

    Father, I praise You because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; Your works are wonderful, my soul knows that very well. Your eyes saw my unformed body and yet all the days You ordained for me were written in Your book before one of them came to be. I’m so thankful that wherever I go…

  • A Prayer For Patience In Spiritual Understanding

    Father, there are many obstacles that will lead us astray if our eyes become fixed on the obstacles. Instead we want to fix our eyes on Jesus, the Author and Perfecter of our faith, who set His eyes on the throne of God, enabling Him to endure the cross, its shame and agony. Fix our…

  • A prayer For Steadfast Obedience

    Father, as we read about Moses we learn a great deal from his act of obedience. Not only did his choice to experience mistreatment along with Your people provide an exodus for the Israelites, but it also provided a Biblical foundation for our lives throughout the centuries to our present day. We’ve gained so much…

  • A Prayer For God’s Power

    Father, once again we declare our allegiance to You, for it is Yours’ alone. Like the prophet Elijah, we want people to know that You are the one true God and all that You do, You do in love for us and for our eternal future. We depend on You alone to save us. Only…

  • A Prayer For Courage To Speak Out

    Father, we won’t abandon our convictions nor lose our compassion when we follow You without reservation or compromise. We follow You and seek no other master. We do not want to be silent about Your work in our lives, but we want to provide a Biblical answer to all who ask about the hope that…

  • A Prayer For A Made Up Mind

    Father, help me to thirst and hunger for Your Living Word where I find convincing truths to assure me, “This is the way. Walk in it.” I want to keep my heart fixed upon You and my mind certain of Your truths in this age where false religions abound and the broad way just gets…

  • A Prayer For Bold Declaration

    Father, I boldly declare that You are the living God whom I serve. Only a God like You can turn evil into good, exchange sorrow for joy, or offer life beyond the grave. Like Elijah, I want to fearlessly proclaim You to be the Lord and Savior of my life and tell of all Your…

  • A Prayer Of Thanks For Hands

    Father, we thank You for the blessing and usefulness of our hands. We’re so accustomed to having them at our disposal we rarely consider how different our lives would be without them. They’re used for nurturing, correcting, guiding, and protecting those entrusted to our care. They’re used for working, cleaning, building, writing, driving, typing, clutching,…