Author: SpiritualLight

  • A Prayer For Genuine Success

    Father, the world often bases a person’s success on his or her wealth, prestige, power, appearance, fame, youthfulness, education, etc. But we are often at conflict with the world since we are citizens of the heavenly kingdom. Obedience to Your Word, with its principles and commands, and the seeking of Your commendation will put us…

  • A Prayer For Spiritual Enlightenment

    Father, Your creation has unlimited visual stimuli that is seen by our eyes today, but according to Scripture even our heart and our mind can see. Many philosophies and principles come to us through our mind, but we want the eyes of our heart to embrace only that which will keep our hearts pure, that…

  • A Prayer For Enduring Hope

    Father, we solemnly consider the catastrophic impact that terrorists have permanently etched in our painful memories from events of 9/11/01. Though we witnessed mayhem and saw evil at its worst, mercifully, we also witnessed acts of goodness at their best. We are not without hope, for we know that You are a God of hope…

  • A Prayer For Personal Renewal

    Father, there is no sin too great that Your mercy is not greater. We were born with a sin problem, but You provided the solution for our sin sick souls through the wondrous sacrifice of Your Son, Jesus Christ. We could never be good enough, rich enough, famous enough – nothing we offer is enough.…

  • A Prayer For Being Like Jesus

    Father, we thank You that the veil was taken away when we left this world and turned to You. We, who now have unveiled faces contemplate Your glory even as we are being transformed into the image of Christ with ever-increasing glory, which comes from You. But even still our flesh battles our spirit from…

  • A Prayer For Living A Fulfilling Life

    Lord, You have been our dwelling place throughout all generations. From everlasting to everlasting You are God. A thousand years in Your sight is like a day that has just gone by, or like a watch in the night. You sweep men away in the sleep of death; they are like the new grass of…

  • A Prayer For Patience In Trials

    Father, we pray that You will help us to grow in Your grace and knowledge, that we will continue to mature in our Christian walk. Scripture, repeatedly, indicates that spiritual maturity is a result of enduring trials of various kinds. In the midst of these trials Your soft prompting or guidance through Scripture, through other…

  • A Prayer For Abounding Grace

    God, You’ve given the greatest treasure available to all people. We don’t have to fit into a particular segment of our population nor are we required to live during a certain time period to receive this unsurpassed gift. The gift of Your grace is available to every generation and exceeds any temporary material blessing that…

  • A Prayer For Wisdom To Stop

    Jesus, would You help me to be quick to recognize and respond to Your promptings. Often You speak to me through Scripture, daily prayer, and other believers. You also speak to me through the undesirable consequences that come from acts of disobedience. May I see Your cautions and “stops” as part of Your loving way…

  • A Prayer For Day By Day Faithfulness

    Father, we’re grateful for the supernatural work You perform in our lives. Help us to follow Your leading in the small day to day promptings we receive from Your Spirit as we go about our activities. The way You cared for Moses is a great reminder that we are never without hope and our circumstances…