Author: SpiritualLight

  • A Prayer For Persevering Love

    Lord Jesus, hear our earnest prayer this day. May You, the supreme example of persevering love, help us to daily nurture persevering love in our human relationships. May we be loyal to our partners, always looking to their interests above our own. May Your grace help us to live above the fall-out that comes from…

  • A Prayer For Integrity

    Father, I consider the extremely difficult choice Job made not to sin by charging You with wrongdoing. I consider Joseph who withstood tremendous temptation by resisting the seduction of Potiphar’s wife. And I consider Daniel who refused to stop the custom of praying to his Father in heaven though he knew it would land him…

  • A Prayer For A Closer Walk

    Father, as Your children we need to regularly examine our hearts to see if there are things, pursuits, or attitudes that are drawing us away from Your heart and thrusting us once again into the mindset of the world. Our heart’s examinations are not intended to condemn us but to refresh our spirit and remind…

  • A Prayer Of Praise

    Jesus, I want to praise You, my great Redeemer, for who You are and for Your acts of kindness seen so many times throughout my day. I never cease to praise You because You never cease to work on my behalf. Your mercy and love, Your strength and comfort, Your sustaining power and guiding hand…

  • A Prayer Of Deep Gratitude

    Lord Jesus, I will never fully comprehend the depth of Your sacrificial death where we see man at his worst and God at His best. In my place You took my guilt and shame as You became the guilt offering pouring out Your life unto death and taking on my iniquity. You gave all so…

  • A Prayer For A Living Hope

    Father, help me not to waste my time and energy in futile or wishful thinking. Instead I want to fix my thoughts upon the living hope I have in Jesus Christ my Lord. I anchor my soul in the bedrock of Your Holy Word so that when other viewpoints counter the truths prescribed in Your…

  • Give Us, O Lord, a Steadfast Heart

    Give us, O Lord, a steadfast heart, which no unworthy affection may drag downwards; give us an unconquered heart, which no tribulation can wear out; give us an upright heart, which no unworthy purpose may tempt aside. Bestow upon us also, O Lord our God, understanding to know you, diligence to seek you, wisdom to…

  • Prayer for the Protection of Animals

    O God, source of life and power, Who feedeth the birds of the heavens, increase our tenderness towards all the creatures of Thy hand. Help us to refrain from petty acts of cruelty, or thoughtless deeds of harm to any living animal. May we care for them at all times, especially during hard weather, and…

  • John 6:29

    Jesus answered, “The work of God is this: to believe in the one he has sent.”””

  • A Prayer For Knowing The Truth

    Father, You grant us access to Your presence through Your Son, Jesus, who is the Way, the Truth and the Life. As we come into personal relationship with Him we begin to know the Truth that sets us free from the deceit and lies of Satan. Help us to faithfully engraft Your Word into our…