Category: Prayer

  • A Prayer For Spiritual Roots

    Lord, we are so very grateful that our family roots are not the sole source of who we are nor does it dictate what we can accomplish. Our spiritual roots, because of our well-grounded faith in You, goes much deeper and spreads much broader. We are able to accomplish the impossible and overcome life’s difficulties…

  • A Prayer For Unswerving Faithfulness

    Jesus, it is the desire of our heart to remain faithful to You. The world often uses the expression, “Be true to yourself” intending that people stand up for what they believe in, but those of the world, by and large, stand for causes and beliefs that often conflict with the holy Word of God.…

  • Thank You For The Cross

    Jesus, we consider everything that You went through was for our benefit. Your tender response to betrayal and cruelty serves as an example to us when we are treated unjustly. Your obedience in life and especially Your death on the cross shows us how to remain steadfast in the face of tremendous suffering. You embodied…

  • A Prayer For Godly Generations

    Lord, in the looking glass of Your Word, may the choices I make this day honor You and also honor my family name. I choose a good name above riches, prestige or fame. I pray that I would reflect the good character that comes from following Christ to my present generation and that it would…

  • A Prayer For The Lord’s Reign

    Jesus, would You be at the center of my thoughts, my attitudes, and in my conversations today. Would You keep me spiritually sensitive to opportunities for Christian witness. As You reign in my life You are my Master and I choose to be obedient to You, my Lord. Grant me the strength to trust You…

  • A Prayer Of Unconditional Faith

    Father, the dynamic story of the three Hebrew men speaks of Your miraculous deliverance for all ages and throughout all generations. Their unyielding devotion to You is a tremendous model to those of us who call You our Father. It is by testing that we are strengthened and conformed into you likeness. Trials come upon…

  • A Prayer For Starting The Race

    Father I acknowledge that I am a sinner. There is nothing good in me, and there is nothing in You but good. I choose to believe on the Lord Jesus Christ who died for my sins so that I can receive forgiveness. I confess my sins, for they separate me from You. How thankful I…

  • A Prayer For Overcoming Life’s Hurdles

    Father, the spiritual race may have its twists and turns, its potholes and inclines that obscure the finish line, but by faith I will stay the course because You give me power when I feel faint and uplift me with strength when I am weak. Everlasting Father, Creator of the ends of the earth You…

  • A Prayer For Passing God’s Truth Along

    Father, lay upon our hearts the unquenchable desire to pass on the gospel baton to others, the important truths we received from reliable followers of Christ and from our own study of Your Holy Word. Help us not to relegate our duties to others, but take up our responsibility as we link together with other…

  • A Prayer For Finishing Well

    Father, we want to run the Christian race wholeheartedly testifying to the gospel of Your grace all the days of our life. We choose to fight the good fight, and keep the faith as we finish the race. It’s not the one who runs the swiftest, nor the one who runs for a day, but…