Category: Prayer

  • A Prayer For Being Remembered Forever

    Father, help me to store up this vital Scripture today and all the days You have ordained for me; “A righteous man will be remembered forever.” When I’m tempted to compromise my integrity in exchange for ungodly choices may this Scripture ring alarm bells in my heart and mind. Let its truth persuade me to…

  • A Prayer For God’s Provision

    Father, we thank You for the way You bless Your people. You richly provide for our needs and supply us with hope that is not diminished by the circumstances of this world. We want to share from our spiritual and material abundance so that we lay up treasure for ourselves in the eternal life that…

  • A Prayer Recognizing Christ’s Sufficiency

    Father, Your commands do not come with a question mark nor are they intended to provoke debate as to whether we think it in our best interest to follow or reject. Your commands are for our good and your provisions are all that we have need of. Just as you supplied the Israelites manna for…

  • A Prayer For Purity

    Father, we know that Satan is a thief who “comes only to steal and kill and destroy” and millions fall victim to his enticements. Knowing our inclination to sin, help us to honor our bodies in such a way that we don’t purposefully arouse lust in others by our dress or behavior, nor do we…

  • A Prayer For Listening And Obeying

    Father, we don’t want to merely listen to Your Word and so deceive ourselves thinking that we have fulfilled the law of Christ. Instead, we want to listen and apply Your truths, thereby obeying Your commands and honoring You in all we think, say and do. Take Your truth, plant it deep in us; shape…

  • A Prayer For Strength For The Weary

    Father, we thank You that You give strength to the weary and You increase the power of the weak. Though youths grow tired and weary, and young men stumble and fall, those who hope in You will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they…

  • A Prayer For Spiritual Rescuers

    Merciful Father, we confess that we can be impatient and judgmental toward those who reject You time and again. We’ve come to realize that we can’t live without You but the unbeliever feels he or she has no need for You. It seems we’re worlds apart in our outlook. Use this passage from Jude to…

  • A Prayer For A Life Of Purpose

    Father, we’re grateful for those throughout history who chose to be men and women of faith, whose hearts were fashioned in Your image, for those who served Your purpose in their generation. We also want to serve Your purpose in our generation. Help us to remain steadfast and strong as we press on in this…

  • A Prayer Expressing An Eternal Perspective

    Father, You were King of the heavens before there was time and You will be King for all eternity. What joy and assurance that truth brings to our spirits today in light of the increasing evil of our day. Our temporal burdens are lightened when we transport our hearts to the New Jerusalem where there…

  • A Prayer For Treasuring God’s Word

    Father, Your Word is a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path. I have hidden Your Word in my heart that I might not sin against You. Direct me in the path of Your commands, for there I find delight. Turn my eyes away from worthless things; preserve my life according to…