Category: Prayer

  • A Prayer For Faithful Pilgrims

    Father, we testify today to the marvelous grace of Christ Jesus our Lord. His loving grace exceeds our sin and our guilt, making it possible for us to have our sins completely forgiven. What He did on Calvary brought hope from despair, and turned the gloom of death into the brightness of eternity. When our…

  • A Prayer For Gospel Communicators

    Father, there is no higher calling in our earthly pilgrimage, than to lead another to faith. The vast majority are looking for answers to life’s challenges and many are learning that it doesn’t come via prosperity, politics, vocational training, educational ranking, or anything else that expires at the end of this life. As You open…

  • A Prayer Of Thanks For God’s Truth

    Father, You have made Your truth known to both the and unrighteous. Your Personhood is evident to all living creatures, though many turns away, ignore, or devise a false theology veiling or hiding the truth. They resist the truth of who You are by their sinful lifestyle and their destiny is doomed. Your invisible attributes,…

  • A Prayer For Faithfulness In Our Witness

    Father, help us as we share our testimony and Your message with the world around us. We find so many who are like Agrippa; uninterested, unpersuaded, and often times hardened. Help us to persevere and not give up or grow discouraged. We pray that you would soften the hearts of those we seek to reach…

  • A Prayer For Devoted Teachers

    Father, we are so thankful for the brothers and sisters we’ve met on life’s highway who’ve poured into us their time, zeal, wisdom, and love. And when we were unresponsive to their loving attention, they didn’t walk away but continued to pray and invest in our lives. We are so much better for it and…

  • A Prayer Of Thanks For The Blood Of Christ

    Father, I thank You for the spotless Lamb of God who is without blemish or defect. It is I who deserved to die for my sins were many, but Jesus, Your Son, died in my place. You have washed me with Your sinless blood and now I am whiter than snow, created in Christ Jesus…

  • A Prayer For Moral Discernment

    Father, as we hate that which is evil and cling to that which is good we must be clear in our minds about good and evil. We don’t write our own playbook based upon popularity polls or by that which makes us “cool” or “staying up with the times” based on the trends of our…

  • A Prayer For Staying In God’s Love

    Father, there are so many things about our future that we can’t foresee, but we can entrust our future to You for safekeeping. It will keep us from troublesome worries that worsen our present circumstances by causing us to falter or doubt. It will keep us from making improper choices and will help us maintain…

  • A Prayer For Recognizing Genuine Value

    Father, many people spend their entire lives accumulating that which perishes at the end of our lives. We, too, as believers get caught up in earthly possessions as they require a great deal of our time and often tug at our heartstrings for misplaced value in this life. But our possessions on this side pale…

  • A Prayer For Comprehending God’s Love

    Father, Your love reaches beyond the heavens and surpasses earthly dimensions. Thank You, Father, that as we are rooted and established in Your love, we are empowered by Your Holy Spirit to soar on wings like eagles as we are renewed day by day. Your love flows through us so that those who look on…