Category: Prayer

  • A Prayer For Focused Outrage

    Father, there are numerous subject matters that are troubling to the believer and can even cause distress and outrage as darkness continues to spread throughout our land. What a blessing to know that the darkness of sin cannot overcome the light of Truth revealed through Jesus who is the Way, the Truth, and the Life.…

  • A Prayer Of Thanks For The Eternal Kingdom

    Father, in a world filled with broken promises resulting in broken lives, how comforted we are to know that You keep every promise You make. You heal the broken-hearted and bind up their wounds. You call us to Yourself, poor and needy, bruised and broken by the fall, and You stand ready to save us.…

  • A Prayer For A Cooperative Spirit

    Father, I pray for a spirit of cooperation and eagerness to contribute to the needs of the whole body, so that Your Church is built not just with sweat, bricks, and mortar but with love, integrity, care, and cooperative teamwork. Therefore we go forth in unity and purpose as we do our part in building…

  • A Prayer For The Least Of These

    Father, there is much that we don’t understand on this side; why some go through life seemingly with ease and little trouble and others seem to be born with trouble that never goes away. It is not for us to understand Your ways for You are a God of mystery with greater purpose than we…

  • A Prayer To The True, Eternal And Living God

    Father, because You are the true, eternal and living God I can commit my past to You, and entrust my present needs to You. I’m so glad the Word of God declares that You are the great “I AM”, not “I was.” As my issues change and my needs grow You are present to meet…

  • A Prayer For Being Self-controlled and Alert

    Father, we thank You for godly messengers who faithfully feed Your children by diligently teaching the whole counsel of Your Holy Word. Some attend church with an intense spiritual hunger, while others may come out of a sense of duty or to be seen by others. Give us a hungry heart that yearns for more…

  • A Prayer For God’s Word Being Planted

    Father, it is with love that You teach us through the Word that we are not to be conformed any longer to the pattern of this world, but we are to be transformed by the renewing of our minds. It is in our transformation that we finally see clearly the spiritual forces of evil that…

  • A Prayer For Genuine Satisfaction

    Father, far too often our minds can be consumed with things that only money can buy which can also bring discontent for that which we already have. Help us to focus our hearts on that which has lasting value, that brings eternal dividends. As we lift our voice to You this day and turn our…

  • A Prayer For Boldness In Witness

    Father, there are numerous subject matters that are troubling to the believer as darkness continues to spread throughout our land. What a blessing to know that the darkness of sin cannot overcome the light of Truth revealed through Jesus who is the Way, the Truth, the Life. But we, as believers, must be very careful…

  • A Prayer For Controlling Anger

    Father, when we are angry You tell us to stay above the fray and sin not. There are times when it is appropriate to be angry such as when we see a person harming another individual; when we have been lied to, when we have been unfairly accused or when we see the rotting decay…