Category: Prayer

  • A Prayer For Standing Up For Righteousness

    Father, I want to be vigilant in equipping myself today as I battle the spiritual forces of evil. Though I wage war in this present and evil generation I have a bodyguard in the presence of the Holy Spirit who gives me power over the enemy of my soul. Today, I stand against the devil’s…

  • A Prayer For Valueing Life

    Father, You welcome all to be a part of Your kingdom: the young and the old, the weak and the strong, those born in ideal circumstances and those conceived in the worst imaginable setting. All the days ordained for our lives were written in Your book before one of them came to be. Because You…

  • A Prayer To The Divine Rescuer

    Loving Father who rescued us from the dominion of darkness and transferred us into the kingdom of Your Son, the light of the world, we are eternally grateful for Your loving work of grace in our lives. Where would we be today without the redemptive work of Jesus who bore the pain and disgrace of…

  • A Prayer For Those Standing Up For Righteousness

    Father, we remember the words of Jesus who said, “You will be dragged into synagogues and prisons, and you will be accused before kings and governors for being my followers. This will be your opportunity to tell them about me. So don’t worry about how to answer the charges against you, for I will give…

  • A Prayer For Spiritual Hunger

    Father, we lift our cup to You for a fresh filling of Your Holy Spirit that refreshes, invigorates, encourages, convicts and guides us into all truths. We want to be vigilant in our spiritual walk, never sighing at old truths but making them the unchanging foundation on which we build newly understood truths and personal…

  • A Prayer For Sound Judgment

    Father, we know that in ourselves we are nothing, but in You, we are made complete. Our identity is found in Christ and that is the basis of our self-worth making us valuable and capable of worthy service through Christ who dwells within us. Help us not to be consumed with thoughts of how the…

  • A Prayer For Hope

    Lord Jesus, often the daily grind is not appealing as I awaken each morning to the tasks before me. Sometimes the routine seems endless and I find myself lacking fulfillment in this aspect of my life and yet it requires the majority of my time and focus. Jesus, please help me to find the hidden…

  • A Prayer For The Soul

    Father, I consider the multitude of studies over the centuries by plant doctors who diagnose disease in trees and other vegetation. Medicines, salves, and treatments are prescribed and applied to the affected plant with the goal of restoring it to good health. There are cures for vegetation, but more importantly, there are cures for our…

  • A Prayer Accepting Salvation

    Father, we thank You for sending Jesus to live among us over 2000 years ago. We thank You for His teachings, His sinless life, and for His death on the cross that provides for our salvation. Each of us has sinned and we know through Scripture that the penalty for our sin is death. So…

  • A Prayer For Being Loving To Others

    Loving Father, You give us treasures that go far beyond monetary accounting. They include special people in our lives, those categorized as mentally impaired, who lift our soul, bring a different perspective to life, and confound the most educated among us. They teach us a great deal about survival, overcoming, and simple trust. Their value…