Category: Prayer

  • A Prayer To The Great One

    Father, You are exalted over all the nations and Your glory fills the heavens. You are great and greatly to be praised. There is no other One who sits enthroned in the heavens and yet whose Spirit hears the very sigh of my heart. You hear my prayer before it is even whispered on my…

  • A Prayer Of Respect For The Elderly

    Father, there are wonders and mercies that You grant to every generation. We thrill at the sight of a newborn. We find pleasure in watching an active, playful child. We’re amazed and prayerful as the child grows into their questioning teen years. And we rejoice as the youth takes on the responsibilities of adulthood and…

  • A Prayer To The Everlasting Light

    Father, we thank You for the incarnation of Jesus who saw our greatest need and gave fully of Himself to reconcile us to You. We are eternally grateful that our sin debt was paid by the sinless Lamb of God. We thank You for our Redeemer and friend, Jesus, the everlasting Light of Glory who…

  • A Prayer Of Rededication

    Father, we are grateful to be Your children. It is not by our own goodness, giftings, or generosity that we can buy or earn this standing. It is because of Jesus who came in earthly form so that He could reach His own people and release them from their sins. Though many still turn away…

  • A Prayer During Mysterious Times

    Father, we choose to walk by faith and not by sight as we trust You in the mysterious working of Your divine plan in our lives. You go before us, walk beside us, and uphold us with Your righteous hand as You direct us according to Your Word.

  • A Prayer For Following The Example Of Jesus

    Father, we are all recipients of the kindnesses of others who lay aside their own interests; who give generously of their time and resources to assist us in our hour of need. An even greater blessing results when we are the one who extends ourselves to those in need. Jesus knew of our greatest need…

  • A Prayer Of Thanks For The Incarnation

    Jesus, You stooped down from heaven to take on flesh and dwell among us as You became the supreme example of God in the flesh. In Your humanness, You were victorious in the raging battle against the spiritual forces of evil when faced with temptations and trials common to all people. We stand in glorious…

  • A Prayer Of Thanks For The Cross

    Father, we’re grateful for Jesus who provided the answer for the sin problem for all time. Without the cross, there would be no redemption; no forgiveness for our sins; no hope for this life or the next; no sin-free eternity for the redeemed. That which was man’s greatest problem had no earthly fix, but You…

  • A Prayer For Preparation For Christmas

    Jesus, though You would ultimately surrender Your life at Calvary, You willingly chose to take on flesh and live among us. In great humility, You stripped Yourself of the privilege, position, power and wealth You possessed in heaven. When You walked among Your people You experienced betrayal, misunderstanding, hatred and temptation, yet You were without…

  • A Prayer Rejoicing In The Greatness Of God

    Father, it is commonly tempting to understand You in human terms and measure your worth such as Isaiah prolifically depicts in his prophetic letter. When he describes the means by which we, Your created ones go about measuring, one’s ability falls enormously short of what You, in Your divine nature, have done, what You can…