Category: Prayer

  • A Prayer For Abounding Hope

    Father, the day to day circumstances in our lives are not scripted so that we know ahead of time what will unfold. Some events will be welcomed and even applauded, but others will be perplexing and even beyond our grasp to control. No matter the circumstance You simply want us to trust You, to hold…

  • A Prayer For Anticipation

    Father, as the holidays approach we are given so much opportunity to celebrate Your goodness and abundant blessings in settings where we can overflow with thanksgiving. At the top of our list of Thanksgiving blessings is the plan You had in clothing Your Son, Jesus, in the flesh and sending Him to earth, to live…

  • A Prayer For Guarding Our Hearts

    Father, help each of us to be on guard against the trappings of the devil and remain steadfast in resisting temptation at each step. We want to live in a way that pleases you, Father, as You have taught us. You command us to resist all sexual sin, and in doing so, we will control…

  • A Prayer For Courage and Integrity

    Father, I thank you for the “Daniels” of our day. Many of us grew up with fathers and mothers who not only taught us right from wrong, but modeled it daily in their relations with family and others. So many today are growing up without Biblical models or Scriptural instruction which has brought about much…

  • A Prayer For Grace

    n Father, all the accolades, merits, relationships and physical treasures I’ve accumulated in this life are but rubbish when compared to the all surpassing gift of knowing You, receiving Your forgiveness, and experiencing Your redemptive love. Because I am risen with Christ I want to place my affections on things above rather than things on…

  • A Prayer For Being A Lifelong Learner

    n Father, we want to be diligent as lifelong learners especially in our study of Scriptures, not only to receive Your approval, but to more fully understand Your plan for our lives. Thank You for the Bible that’s like a road map showing us where to go and how to get there. It is Your…

  • A Prayer Of Confident Hope

    n Father, I have hope because I’ve anchored my faith in Your Holy Word and the unchanging character of who You are. It is not the circumstances of my day that will determine my eternal future, but it is the hope I have in Jesus Christ, the Redeemer of my soul, that overrides the temporal…

  • A Prayer For Not Going Back

    n Father, how grateful we are that You saw us at our greatest time of spiritual need and did not turn us away. Instead Your love saved and lifted us from the pit of despair and eternal damnation. Our lives have never been the same. And yet there is that horrible reality that at times…

  • A Prayer For God’s Grace

    n Father, it is not Your will that any should perish but that all would come to repentance. Yet You don’t force us to follow Your prescribed plan, but give us a free will to come willingly, lovingly, obediently, and gratefully when we finally realize that there is none like You. No one else could…

  • A Prayer For Personal Examination

    n Father, I ask myself, “Am I living in a manner worthy of Your name? Do I seek to please You rather than myself? Does the fruit of my labor reflect the Spirit of Christ living within my heart? Do I have a zeal for the things of Christ and a desire to know Him…