Category: Prayer

  • A Prayer For An Overcoming Spirit

    Jesus, help me to trust You even when circumstances would lead me to feel that You are distant and unaware of my circumstances. When I am focused on the difficulties in my life I can easily become overwhelmed, fearful and confused. But when I look to You, my victorious risen Savior, who endured the times…

  • A Prayer To Our Good, Good Father

    Father, You are a good, good Father. It’s who You are and we are blessed by Your goodness, Your love, and Your provision for salvation through the sacrificial death of Your only Son, Jesus. We pray for our earthly fathers who seek to raise their children in the ways of the Lord. May they be…

  • A Prayer Of Thanks For The Solid Foundation

    Father, You want us to build our lives on the firm foundation of Your Holy Word through our salvation in Jesus. And yet the devil perpetually beckons us to build our lives on the temporal, the popular, the physical and the mindset of this world instead. To counteract such deadly influence we will delight in…

  • A Prayer For Being A Living Letter

    Father, as we walk according to Your commands we become more and more like Jesus, as though we are a letter sent from Him written not with ink but by the guidance of Your Spirit within us. We want to help those who walk in darkness to see the light of salvation through Christ Jesus;…

  • A Prayer For Ending Well

    Jesus, thank You for the dear friends who’ve brought vibrant color to our lives in various ways; those who simply warm our hearts, others who’ve taught us by their example and still others who’ve helped carry our burdens along the way. So many of them were a part of our lives for only a season,…

  • A Prayer For Faithful Servants

    Father, keep our hearts open to those who are in need of a compassionate touch, a charitable act, or a kind word. Let it come naturally from our hearts that are in tune with the heart of Jesus. May we view others through the eyes of Christ, walking in His compassion and His benevolent ways.…

  • Prayer For Godly Wisdom

    Father we thank you for the truths expressed in Scripture that reveal the way to wisdom. Your Word states that if any of us lacks wisdom, we should ask of God, who gives to all generously and without reproach, and it will be given to us. So we ask that we may present to You…

  • A Prayer Of Thanks For Rescue

    Father, by sending Your Son, Jesus, You sought to reconcile all things to Yourself, whether things on earth or things in heaven, having made peace through the blood of the cross. For we, who once were alienated and enemies of the cross, are reconciled to You because we died to sin and rose again to…

  • A Prayer When Our Plans Are Disrupted

    Father, help us through the times in our life when things just don’t go as we had planned. May we see the big picture and that you are working all things out for our good. When experiencing disappointments help us to joyfully trust. Our prayer, like the Psalmist, is that You will order our steps…

  • A Prayer For Paying Attention

    Father, turn my eyes away from worthless things, whatever they may be and preserve my life according to Your Word. Help me to delight in your Law, in Your Word, in Your message. Help me not to neglect your Word. Show me Your ways, O LORD, teach me Your paths; guide me in Your truth…