Category: Prayer

  • A Prayer For Following He Who Has Overcome

    Father, there are many trials and tribulations that we face here on earth. It seems we get over one hurdle only to face another, but we are comforted when we remember that we are not alone in our trials, nor are we the only ones to face difficulty. The greatest test and the greatest triumph…

  • A Prayer To The Only Door Of Salvation

    Father, the majority of people avoid walking through the door of salvation that You provide through Christ Jesus, the Shepherd of our souls. They rely on good works, generous giving, religion, and other means by which they might attain eternal life. But You have made it abundantly clear in the Scriptures and through the teachings…

  • A Prayer To The Seeker Of The Lost

    Father, the mission of the Gospel was explained by Jesus Himself, in answer to Nicodemus, who wanted to know what it means to be born again. Jesus made it clear that He did not come to earth to condemn Your creation but rather to convert sinners. We, as followers of Christ, declare this same message…

  • A Prayer For Overcoming Grace

    Father, the words of a song come to mind; “I’m not what I wanna be, I’m not what I’m gonna be, but thank God I’m not what I was.” There is a major difference in my actions and attitudes since I made You the Lord of my life. If I trace back to the beginning…

  • A Prayer For Eternal Planning

    Father, over the years we have made many plans and spent lots of money planning our trips and vacations that last for a week or two. We dream, gather resources and learn from others about all that we should see and do to make it a meaningful event. And yet the majority of people neglect…

  • A Prayer To The God Who Knows Our Heart

    Father, it is because of our sinful human condition that we spend so much time worrying about what others think and live our lives with their view in mind, instead of Yours. You who sees our minds and hearts from inside out – You know that which motivates our actions, while others simply judge us…

  • A Prayer For Faithfully Impressing God’s Word

    Father, we know that You are the Lord our God and that the Lord is one, for there is no other. We love You with all our heart and with all our soul and with all our strength. For that reason we want to impress upon our children and our children’s children the commands of…

  • A Prayer For A Discerning Spirit

    Father, I pray for a discerning spirit to help me recognize truth from falsehood. Help me to know when others are lying and help me also to recognize the lies I tell myself. You always speak the truth and You declare that which is right from that which is wrong. When the world describes a…

  • A Prayer For The Blessed

    Father, there is a place of quiet rest and spiritual uplifting when we draw near to You. So many activities, attractions, and affections rival for our attention. But when we prioritize by giving You first place we give opportunity for You to “show your love to a thousand generations of those who love you and…

  • A Prayer For The Blessed Man

    Father, we want to be rooted and established deep in Your love and righteousness so that we will stand firm during the assaults of life and during times of temptation from the evil one. As we read Your Word may it find a lodging place in our minds and a loving place in our hearts…