Category: Prayer

  • A Prayer For Spiritual Freedom

    Father, how glorious it is to enjoy freedom from sin, thanks to the sacrifice of Your Son on my behalf. My life, once enslaved to sin, now enjoys the freedom from that which once held me captive to Satan’s bondage. I live in victory because You have set me free and I am now free…

  • A Prayer For A Faithful Witness

    Father, You have entrusted the gospel message to all who have chosen to believe. Some are called to preach it in a public forum, others share it one on one day in and day out, through our lifestyle and through our words. We give careful attention to the Scriptures so that we can explain to…

  • A Prayer For Abiding Peace

    Jesus, Prince of Peace, thank You for calming the raging storm in my soul when You took up residency within my heart, as You removed my sins and replaced them with Your righteousness. This eternal exchange has brought me countless joy, abiding peace, and a home in heaven. It is once and for all established…

  • A Prayer For A New Heart

    Father, thank You for sending Your Son, Jesus, to walk on this earth and show us the way to You. Through His death and resurrection we have forgiveness and hope of eternal life. You replace our heart of stone with a heart of flesh born of the Spirit. We confess our sins and ask You…

  • A Prayer Of Thanks For Redeeming Grace

    Father, any gift under the Christmas tree pales in comparison to the unending gift of Your pure love given to us in the person of Jesus Christ, Your only begotten Son. We are so grateful that He willingly laid down His life that we might inherit eternal life if we only believe. Not only do…

  • A Prayer For Being The Fragrance Of Life

    Father, we thank You for our five senses of seeing, tasting, touching, hearing, and smelling that are essential to our lives as we gather and disseminate information from our sensory glands. As we interact with others today we want to release the aroma of Christ as the Holy Spirit makes us adequate for the task…

  • A Prayer As We Journey Here Below

    Father, as I live out my time here on this earth, I’m so glad that I belong to You. You hold my right hand and guide me with Your continuous presence and daily bread which is leading me to a glorious destiny. Whom have I in heaven but You and I desire You more than…

  • A Prayer For Heavenly-mindedness

    Father, I pray that You will capture our minds and draw our hearts to that which has been prepared for us. May we, with child-like anticipation, keep our attention drawn to the eternal truths of Your Word that remind us of our future inheritance that can never perish, spoil or fade. It will lift our…

  • A Prayer For A New Life

    Father, may I never cease to be amazed at the marvelous work You do in the lives of those who yield their hearts to You, however hard or darkened their lives may be. Hardened souls become pliable in Your skillful hands, our Master Potter. You reshape and mold us into the image of Your Son,…

  • A Prayer For Sharing The Good News

    Father, we are a blessed people who have so much to be thankful for that we can’t keep it to ourselves. We don’t boast in ourselves for we are but human flesh, but we boast in who You are and all that You provide for us. Father, You are the eternal, sovereign God who sends…