Category: Prayer

  • A Prayer For Spiritual Vision

    Father God, You physically reign in a place invisible to my eyes while Your Holy Spirit with His invisible qualities is at work deep within my heart. Though I cannot see You I recognize Your masterful handiwork. Though I cannot touch You I feel Your divine presence. Only a God like You is great enough…

  • A Prayer Of Thanks For God’s Mercy

    Father, we thank You for the redeeming blood of Jesus that imparts mercy and pardon for my sins. Wretched as I may be, Your mercy is greater! Only a God like You chooses to delight in expressing mercy to the undeserving masses that defy Your Holy Name. Thank You for reaching me in the depth…

  • A Prayer For Open Hearts

    Father, we lift up in prayer our loved ones who have yet to bow their knees and confess with their tongue that Jesus Christ is Lord. We never give up believing that someday they will come to faith through Christ Jesus. At the same time we pray for ourselves that You would make us pliable…

  • A Prayer For Living On Life Row

    Father, when Jesus gave His all as a sacrifice for our sins You made available to us the free gift of salvation that is for all eternity. We cannot pay for our forgiveness nor can we repay Jesus for His sacrifice for our sins. All we give in return is a heart surrendered to His…

  • A Prayer For Being Faithful Christ-followers

    Father, we seek to be alert and sober-minded in this generation where messages come from every direction seeking to confuse, delude, and undermine that which we learn from Your holy Scriptures. Instead of feeling despair help us to see it as a challenge to more deeply embrace and live the ancient Holy Word. Its truth…

  • A Prayer For Being Alert And Sober

    Father, You have called upon us to be sober and vigilant believers who are instant in season and out of season. We’re ready to spring into action to do Your bidding when we might least expect to be called upon. May the fruit of the Spirit; love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and…

  • A Prayer For Living As Children Of Light

    Jesus, You are the Light of the world. And because You reside in our hearts we are a reflection of Your holy light. The world we live in is dark and growing even darker as Satan’s sinister and deceitful schemes are being played out. Help us not to dismiss the darkness that is spreading lest…

  • A Prayer For Behaving Decently

    Father, we desire to clothe ourselves in Christ Jesus, whose Spirit resides within our hearts. We pray that our behavior would honor You as we seek to behave decently and live according to the pattern of Holy Scripture, for “we were taught, regarding our former way of life, to put off our old self, which…

  • A Prayer Of Thanks For Friends

    Father, You have given me many treasures that cannot be bought with money and friendship is among them. I thank You for the special friends who brighten my outlook and challenge me to be a better person. Thank You for my caring friend who loves me and never gives up on me even when I…

  • A Prayer For Thankfulness In All Circumstances

    Father, we pray that we will continue to mature in our Christian walk. Scripture, repeatedly, indicates that spiritual maturity is a result of enduring trials of various kinds. In the midst of these trials Your faithful promptings and guidance through Scripture, other believers, and the circumstances we face can be ignored or silenced when self…