Category: Prayer

  • A Prayer of Thanks For God’s Reliable Love

    Father, we know Your love because You first loved us. You gave Your one and only Son to die for our sins so that we would not perish but spend eternity in heaven with You. As our roots grow down into Your love we gain strength, understanding, and maturity. Though we cannot grasp how wide…

  • A Prayer Of Receptivity To Truth

    Father, I want my heart to be committed to Your Truth and righteousness, for You are the Way, the Truth and the Life. I place my complete trust in You and reject the godless trends and vain philosophies promoted by the world regardless of how popular they may be, what celebrity or famous person promotes…

  • A Prayer For Remembering God

    Father of all nations, we’re grateful that, as believers, our citizenship is primarily in heaven and we share this glorious citizenship with our brother and sisters all over the world. We want to always remember You in the midst of our prosperity and seek to keep Your commandments. We pray for a massive worldwide revival…

  • A Prayer Proclaiming God’s Goodness

    Father, You have called us out as ambassadors for Christ, and in so doing, we make the proclamation of the gospel known not only with our words, but also with our lives. As we approach each new day we’re given a set of challenges. Some that will last only a day but others that will…

  • A Prayer For Those Bearing Burdens

    Father, as ambassadors of Your heavenly Kingdom, we want to be keenly sensitive to those whose difficulties seem overwhelming. Some of our brothers and sisters are weighed down with troubling circumstances that might overtake them if not for those of us who take them by the arm and pull them up out of the quicksand…

  • A Prayer For A Full Life

    Father, thank You for Jesus who came that we might have life and have it in abundance. We thank you so much for a full life. We’re grateful for Your grace that teaches us to say no to ungodliness and worldly passions and to live self-controlled, upright and godly lives in this present age. We’re…

  • A Prayer For Times Of Trouble

    Jesus, Prince of Peace, thank You for calming the raging storm in my soul when You took up residency within my heart, as You removed my sins and replaced them with Your righteousness. This eternal exchange has brought me countless joy, abiding peace, and a home in heaven. It is once and for all established…

  • A Prayer For Sharing The Light Of Christ

    Father, You didn’t command us to change the hearts of those walking in darkness, for only You can do that. But You did command that we let our light shine so that others will see Your work in our lives and glorify You, our Father in heaven. May the work of our hands and the…

  • A Prayer Of Resolve To Stay Faithful To God

    Father, there are many of Your followers who stand for righteousness that also deals with rejection, mockery, and ridicule from within their own family. As we take up Your cross we must be willing to lose our life, for Jesus tells us that it is at that level of commitment that we will actually find…

  • A Prayer Of Thanks For Freedom

    Father, how wonderful it is to enjoy the privileges available to those who live in a free country We give thanks for those who enlisted and served in our military, fighting for and maintaining our independence. And how glorious it is to enjoy freedom from sin, thanks to the sacrifice of Your Son Jesus, on…