Category: Prayer

  • A Prayer For Laboring Well

    n Father, we participate in life’s greatest celebration when a believer is promoted to glory, though it is among life’s greatest heartaches when we no longer have their presence among us. Instead of sadness our hearts are uplifted when we consider that those who go before us are blessed, for blessed are the dead who…

  • A Prayer Concerning Temper

    n Father, we read in Scripture about hot violent tempers; we see it displayed on the highway, in the news and public square every day, and, sadly, it is far too prevalent right within our own homes. It’s a fact that people with hot tempers do foolish things, while wiser people remain calm and thoughtful…

  • A Prayer For The Afflicted

    n Father, help us to be moved by the plight of those who are suffering loss and even laying down their lives for the sake of Christ. We remember the congregation in Uganda and other persecuted lands who have suffered loss physically, structurally or materially or all three. Through Your miraculous intervention evil can be…

  • A Prayer For Working Together

    n Father, the Scriptures asks, “Can two walk together, unless they are agreed?” Grant us discernment, discipline, and direction when choosing our life partner, business associate or any other person in which we must unite in making decisions. For those who are presently unequally yoked grant them grace to live carefully, watching their lives and…

  • A Prayer For Expressing Kindness

    n Father, I consider the words of Nehemiah who wrote, “The joy of the Lord is my strength” and Solomon who reminds us that “A cheerful heart is good medicine.” Both verses speak about matters of the heart where we store up Your love, joy and goodness. Help us not to rely solely on external…

  • A Prayer For The City

    n Father, we continue to pray for the peace of Jerusalem and we pray for the peace of Christ to rain down upon the cities of our nation and world. We pray for servants of the Gospel who are taking the message of salvation to the troubled streets of our land, for their safety and…

  • A Prayer For Productive Hands

    n Father, we are confident that You will provide for all our needs as we obey Your commands. You have instituted work from the very beginning so that we can provide for ourselves that which we have need of. Your blessings fall upon those who obey You, those who are not idle or wasteful. Thank…

  • A Prayer Of Confidence In God’s Providence

    n Father, before we are born You know the days allotted for us on this side of eternity. Our time may be brief or we may live to be aged, but how we choose to live is of greatest importance. Help us to recognize Your sovereign plan in our lives so that we can trust…

  • A Prayer For A Victorious Ending

    n Father, You delivered us from the dominion of darkness and transferred us into the kingdom of Your beloved Son in whom we have redemption, the forgiveness of sins. How thankful we are for Your mighty deliverance; deliverance from our sinful way of life and for many deliverance from a life of hopelessness and despair.…

  • A Prayer For Faithful Resolve

    n Father, no matter what deadly illness may destroy the flesh, it cannot rob our soul of inner peace and the uncompromising determination to “stand firm unto the end.” Jesus prayed in the garden, “Not my will but Thine be done” which was a matter of life or death regarding his flesh. It is our…