Category: Prayer

  • A Prayer For A Renewing Of The Mind

    Father, we invite the work of Your Holy Spirit to descend upon our heart, to wean it from ungodly attitudes, destructive habits, and worldly passions. In love and compassion You stooped to our weakness, mighty as You are, in the person of Jesus Christ who lived a life of holiness, and willingly laid down His…

  • A Prayer For Reducing Gear

    Father, there are many sins and vices that weigh us down, slow our spiritual maturity, throw us off stride, cause us to stumble and to be a stumbling block to others. And yet the enemy of our soul makes them so appealing, seemingly irresistible. But You call us to lay aside the deeds of darkness…

  • A Prayer For Our Nation

    Father, we want to live above the fray of this world as a people of righteousness set apart for Your purpose. We forsake the things of this world that bring disgrace to Your holy name and live for the purpose of bringing glory, honor and praise to You, our Father. We pray for our nation,…

  • A Prayer For Taking A Faithful Stand For Christ

    Father, we confess that we are weak and fearful people, apart from Your Holy Spirit that makes us valiant and strong as we stand up for Your righteousness. The conflicting philosophies, the indulgent sinful behaviors of humanity, the worship of creatures rather than our Creator, and the false religions that abound require us to be…

  • A Prayer For Being A Good Friend

    Father, when we consider the zeal and creative way the paralyzed man’s friends brought him to Jesus we’re challenged to do likewise. This man was helpless and unable to reach the Healer on his own, but Jesus healed and saved him through the effort and faith of his friends. They cared compassionately and the barriers…

  • A Prayer For Peace

    Father, knowing that Jesus is the Prince of Peace I pray for His peace to fall upon our land. We pray that many will turn to You today and accept that wonderful reconciliation You freely offer. That is the first step to all other types of peace. We pray for relational peace among our countries,…

  • A Prayer For Being A People Of Praise

    Father, it’s easy to imagine nature praising You as the song birds trill their many canticles, as the wind blows upon the airy leaves and the branches of the trees clap in praise to You. Observing the clear, gushing water as it surges over the boulders, rocks and stones is so invigorating, but as much…

  • A Prayer For Being A Good Example

    Heavenly Father, it is ony in following You that we can be a godly example of wholesome conversation, purpose-filled living, demonstrable love, overcoming faith and God-honoring purity. You know our failings are many and we so often fall short of being the perfect example we would like for those we love the most. So we…

  • A Prayer To The Builder Of Everything

    Father, You are great and greatly to be praised. You are the Builder of everything we see and so much that we’ve not yet laid eyes upon, both on the earth and the heavens above. We are looking forward to the future city with eternal foundations where You are the architect and builder. Our everlasting…

  • A Prayer For Perseverence

    Father, there is no one or no thing that deserves our complete allegiance, but You, our Lord, who have the words of eternal life. Though others may refuse to listen or turn away from the message of salvation we choose to persevere. We persevere in trial and in victory, in the ups and downs and…