Category: Prayer

  • A Prayer For Passing On Our Faith

    n Father, lay upon our hearts the unquenchable desire to pass on the spark of faith to others the important truths we received from reliable followers of Christ and from our own study of Your Holy Word. Help us not to relegate our duties to others, but take up our responsibility as we link together…

  • A Prayer For Being Remembered

    n Father, we are shaped and molded by Your Holy Word, through the Spirit living within us, and by the people You place in our earthly journey who take us under their spiritual wings as they model Christ and impart truth in our lives. Their example, their teaching, their prayers, and their love for us…

  • A Prayer For Listening

    n Father, it’s interesting that we often plead for Your attention and certainly expect You to listen to our prayers and You assure us through Your word that You hear us when we call on You. But for true fellowship to exist we too must listen to Your voice through Scripture, through fellow believers, through…

  • A Prayer For Heroes

    n Father, we thank You for those who are working hard during the pandemic, especially our emergency workers, those in the healthcare field, and those workers who are willing to get down on their hands and knees to scrub away the messy germs that cause illness in the first place. We thank You, Father, for…

  • A Prayer Of Faith

    n Father, like Abraham, who was not justified by his own works, but by the righteousness of his faith, so it is with those of us who believe, by Christ’s righteousness revealed to us by faith, and received by faith. It is not by works of righteousness that we have done, but according to Your…

  • A Prayer For A Corrupt Generation

    n Father, we’re so thankful that You did not leave us without a Comforter after Christ’s ascension to heaven, but You sent the Holy Spirit to give power to believers on the day of Pentecost and for all who surrender their lives to Christ until His return. In response to Peter’s sermon regarding a corrupt…

  • A Prayer For A Heart Like Good Soil

    n Father, we thank You for soil, one of Your great creations from the very beginning that we easily take for granted. We want to be like the good soil mentioned in the Parable of the Sower; the one who hears the Word, absorbs its message, understands its meaning and as a result brings forth…

  • A Prayer For Enabling Others

    n Father, we have the privilege of being taught and influenced by many believers with varying degrees of education, talent, personality, biblical knowledge and commitment. Though we may find ourselves attracted to certain personalities within the body of Christ who are most like us, we’re also grateful for people unlike ourselves. Thank You for those…

  • A Prayer For Spiritual Hydration

    n Father, we accept Your invitation to come and drink freely from Your inexhaustible supply of life-giving water, to hydrate ourselves spiritually. May Your springs of living water overflow to those around us as it springs forth in our words and actions. Thank You for redirecting, refreshing, and replenishing our spirit with Your life-giving, eternal…

  • A Prayer For A Listening Heart

    n Father, You know the thoughts and intents of our heart even before we think or speak them aloud. Yet You direct us to be faithful in prayer so that we are in holy communion with You. You speak to us primarily through the Holy Scriptures, through Your creation, through the divine appointments You schedule…