Author: SpiritualLight

  • A Prayer for Watching Ourselves

    n Father, because he and his people would not listen to the warnings of God, You permitted the Babylonians to bind King Manasseh and take him as a captive to Babylon. There, when he was in affliction, he implored the LORD his God, and humbled himself greatly before You, the God of his fathers and…

  • A Prayer Standing In Victory

    Father, You promise to give us all things that we have need of as we seek You and Your Kingdom above all. May Your light shine in our hearts to give us the light of Your glory in the face of our Lord Jesus Christ. Remind us continually through the presence of the Holy Spirit…

  • A Prayer For Redeeming The Time

    n Father, we’ve often heard the phrase, “Redeem the time” because our time here on earth is but a brief moment in light of eternity. But as a believer I will not leave this earth one hour before Your appointed time, nor will I be detained beyond Your time allotted to me. May I joyously…

  • A Prayer For Heavenly Produce

    n Father, we want to be faithful in sowing Your righteous truths by the manner in which we live and by the message we share with others. The gardener sows good quality seeds expecting a high yield as they grow into healthy, vibrant plants. But the wise gardener knows there will be involuntary weeds, dry…

  • A Prayer To The Ancient Of Days

    Ancient of Days, we read of Your great works and miraculous provisions throughout the generations. Remembering the days of old is a glimpse of Your sovereignty as You led Your people out of captivity, through famine and flood, through wars and mighty storms. We are not self-sufficient but our sufficiency is totally reliant on You,…

  • A Prayer of Heavenly Anticipation

    n Father, I can hardly wait to see what Jesus has been preparing for those who love Him, since His ascension into heaven nearly 2000 years ago. Knowing that the heavens and the earth were created in one day, we cannot begin to imagine all that is being planned for our eternal dwelling over the…

  • A Prayer for Teaching our Children Well

    n Father, we pray for our children, that they may grow in faith as they grow in years. May they walk in the ways of Christ, and not in the ways of the world. Keep their steps safe, but should they stumble, we know You will uphold them with Your right hand. When tempted or…

  • A Prayer During Times Of Trouble

    n Father, we want to trust You at all times – in times of rejoicing and times of trouble. You promise to be our refuge who will rescue us from danger. Certainly we don’t read anywhere in Scripture that we will not face danger, for it is in these intensely dangerous situations that we find…

  • A Prayer Concerning Our Most Important Reservation

    n Father, we thank You for making us joint heirs in this wonderful eternal inheritance that can never perish, spoil, or fade kept in heaven for us. We gratefully claim this inheritance and await the appointed date when we will experience in full the blessings it provides. Troubles in this life diminish our hope, but…

  • A Prayer For Blessed Assurance

    n Father, as heirs of Your salvation, we have been purchased with the sacrificial blood of Your precious Son, Jesus. He gave His all that we might be saved from the eternal consequences of sin and have our names written in the Lamb’s Book of Life. We have the blessed assurance that we are redeemed…