Author: SpiritualLight
A Prayer For Lighthouse Keepers
Father, we who were once darkness, are now light in the Lord, through our salvation in Christ Jesus. We live as children of light partaking of the fruit of the light which consists in all goodness, righteousness and truth. We seek to find out what pleases You, rather than ourselves. The vast majority take no…
A Prayer For Living Faithfully For Christ
Father, we have been given a trust and desire to prove ourselves faithful in all areas of our lives as evidenced in our responsibilities carried out here on earth. Being a faithful steward of all that is entrusted to us involves sacrifice, humbleness, repentance, and obedience which does not come easily, but is nevertheless required.…
A Prayer For Being Trustworthy
Father, we don’t want to proclaim our own loyalty, but we give glory to You, when others testify of our loyalty, our trustworthiness, our dependability. Your Scripture teaches us to be people who are honest and dependable, who do to others as we would have them do to us. Living among such people makes day…
A Prayer For Spiritual Stability
Father, thank You for the treasure of Your riches; salvation, wisdom, and knowledge. This treasure which You invite us to partake of stabilizes our hearts when instability surrounds us so much so that even we feel the shaking, kind of like an aftershock. Your salvation, wisdom, and knowledge surpass those passing and temporal treasures experienced…
A Prayer For The Unshakable Kingdom
Father, today we are thankful for our journey here below. We also thank You for our future heavenly dwelling where we will live in an unshakable kingdom that has no end, where sin and its awful consequences cannot enter, where we will worship You with reverence and awe throughout the myriad of time. How good…
A Prayer For Wayward Loved Ones
Father, we want to bless You at all times. May our praise toward You continually flow from our tongues so that it brightens our outlook and even our countenance. May our lives, set apart for your glory, be as neon lights to this darkened world where so many have lost their way. They’ve become slaves…
A Prayer For God’s Protection
Father, like a nurturing eagle, You cover us with Your feathers so that we find refuge under Your protective wings. As we live in daily communion with You we are protected from the snare of the enemy. Therefore we need not fear the terror of night, nor the arrow that flies by day. Because we…
A Prayer For Remembering God’s Truths
Father, we thank You for the inspiration of Your Holy Spirit. May Your Words be impressed upon our hearts as we give regular attention to them through reading and memorizing the Scriptures. We don’t want a casual attitude about Your Holy Word, but rather we want to be earnest students of Your Word genuinely contending…
A Prayer For Those Sharing Faith
Father, we thank You for the many, many precious saints spread throughout the whole world, who have obtained like precious faith through Your righteousness and the righteousness that comes through our Saviour Jesus Christ. Though we have not seen You, we love You, and though we cannot see You now we are filled with an…
A Prayer For Sensitivity And Compassion
Father, there is much that we don’t understand on this side; why some go through life seemingly with ease and little trouble, and others seem to be born with trouble that never goes away. It is not for us to understand Your ways for You are a God of mystery with a greater purpose than…