Author: SpiritualLight

  • A Prayer For Valuing Life

    Father, thank You for creating my inmost parts: You knit me together in my mother’s womb and for that, I praise and thank you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made. Everything in all of Your creation is amazing and perfectly formed for Your glory and for our good. While proponents of abortion speak in…

  • A Prayer For Keeping Our Minds On God

    Father, because we place our trust in You as our sovereign Lord we have an enduring peace that You are the Great Deliverer and that You work all things together for good to those who love You and are called according to Your purpose. We seek to glorify Jesus, our Solid Rock, who was put…

  • A Prayer For Living In Green Pastures

    Father, Your principles teach me that time spent reading the Word, meditating upon it and applying it to my life makes a vital difference in my Christian walk. Spending time with other believers and learning from their examples, as well as their testimony, is another way You’ve brought positive change into my life. Hearing sermons…

  • A Prayer For Love

    Father, we bow in prayer before You today and ask that You, in Your great glory give us the power to be strong inwardly through Your Spirit. We pray that Christ will live in our hearts by faith and that our lives will be strong in love and be built on love. And we pray…

  • A Prayer Of Thanks For Christ’s Purpose

    Father, we are among the redeemed because Jesus accepted His mission on earth and wholly completed it. He drank from the bitter cup fully giving His all to provide forgiveness for our sins. We who have sought forgiveness are the redeemed and now have a mission to freely share the life-changing message of salvation with…

  • A Prayer For Protection Against Deception

    Father, we are confronted with deception on many fronts every day, so much so, that we can be deceived without even realizing it. Would You help us to watch out and be on our guard so that we are not deceived by man’s words, no matter how convincing or how charming their personality, nor how…

  • A Prayer To The One Who Defied Death

    Jesus, Your mission on earth in obedience to the Father, ultimately led to Your obedience of death on the cross. But on the third day, You defied death and rose to life again. Your resurrected body was identified by the nail scars visible in Your hands and Your feet. Nails were driven into Your innocent…

  • A Prayer For Those Suffering

    Father, no one who comes to You through Jesus goes away unable to find reconciliation with You, for You save completely and to the uttermost. Because Your Son lives and intercedes for us we have renewed hope daily for the circumstances of our lives and for the people that are dear to our hearts. We…

  • A Prayer For Those In Fear

    Father, You speak to us through the prophet Isaiah, “Fear not, for I am with you; be not dismayed, for I am your God”. Though this passage is somewhat general we know that You deal with the specifics in our lives as we encounter personal difficulties and quandaries. How comforting it is to know that…

  • A Prayer For A Good Root System

    Father, we want to be like the trees planted by streams of water that remain vibrant, healthy, and growing in spite of drought, storm and the extremes of the winds and temperatures. As we are rooted and built up in You we continue to grow, mature, and remain firm when the raging storms of life…