Author: SpiritualLight

  • A Prayer For Godly Character

    Jesus, I can’t hide the fact from you that too much of my time and energy is spent being concerned about how others perceive me. I fuss about my appearance, am preoccupied about my weight, try to be “with it” so others might think highly of me and at times try to surround myself with…

  • A Prayer For Those Who Extend Mercy

    Father, one of the most merciful acts we can carry out is that of forgiving one who has intentionally harmed us. It’s as much for their benefit as it is ours, since it keeps the root of bitterness from growing weeds in our heart. There are so many opportunities you give us to reach out…

  • A Benediction Prayer

    Father, only You are able to keep us from falling, to receive us, Your redeemed, before Your glorious presence without fault and with great joy. You are the only wise God our Savior in whom we can truly ascribe glory, majesty, power and authority through Jesus Christ our Lord in all generations both now and…

  • A Prayer For Practicing Scripture

    Father in heaven, we ask You to help us apply Your teachings to our lives so that our foundation will be unshakeable and storm-proof when the howling winds and surging rains beat against us. The foundation of this world is temporal and growing more and more decadent, so we choose instead to build our lives…

  • A Prayer Of Surrender To God

    Father, we are barraged with colorful ads, luring commercials, and attractive displays enticing us to make grand purchases. When “things” consume our soul they capture our passion, our wallets and our time. You have commanded us to seek first Your kingdom and Your righteousness and all these things will be added unto us. As we…

  • A Prayer For Understanding

    Father, we’re so thankful for the parables Jesus spoke in the gospels where You connect listeners in their everyday living with the teachings that have eternal impact. Since we’re often perplexed by life’s experiences and need supernatural understanding or wise counsel the parables provide wisdom and guidance to direct us in the daily events of…

  • A Prayer To The Creator

    Father, there have always been arguments against the Biblical creation, usually by those who neither heed nor believe in the Scriptures. But there are a growing number of believers and Christian affiliations who are looking to secularist theorists or interpretations of creation that are more acceptable by the world’s standards and often introduced in educational…

  • A Prayer For A Heart Of Compassion

    Loving Father, would You bring to our attention people who go unnoticed or those who are rejected by the “norms” of society. Put their face on our conscience so that we will take the time or make the necessary sacrifice to assure them that they are cared for. Show us how we can help shoulder…

  • A Prayer For The Persecuted Church

    Father, help us to be moved by the plight of those who are prepared to suffer and even lay down their lives for the sake of Christ. We remember them in our prayers and remember them as warriors of the faith, who for the joy set before them endured the suffering, shame and agony of…

  • A Prayer During Times Of Shakings

    Father, help us to seek first Your kingdom and pray in the spirit so that we can live in victory even while encircled by conflict. Frequently Your shakings come to bring about personal change, but we also witness Your shakings of entire nations throughout history. Though land, dwellings and people are destroyed due to the…