Author: SpiritualLight

  • A Prayer Of Thanks For Spiritual Freedom

    Father, You have declared, through the words of Scripture, that there is no other name under heaven given unto men by which we must be saved. The apostles, full of the Holy Spirit, shared that message with the elders and chief priests, boldly asserting that it is by the name of Jesus Christ, that people…

  • A Prayer To Our One Mediator

    Father, there are so many luring paths one might take in this vast world, thinking they’re headed the right way, only to find the long roads lead to a dead end. As believers, we know that there is only one way to reconcile ourselves to You, our Father in heaven, and that is through Christ…

  • A Prayer For A Teachable Spirit

    Father, we know that we must do more than just read Your Word, but we must apply Your truths so that we and others see the work of Your Spirit in our lives. The Israelites looked to You for guidance in the cloud by day and the fire by night. They learned when to wait…

  • A Prayer For Friendships

    Father, thank You for the family and friends who refresh me; their loyalty and understanding shown to me over the years have brought tremendous blessing and many pleasant memories. Sometimes You use them not only to bring encouragement but they also challenge me to grow in areas where I might otherwise be stagnant. When it…

  • A Prayer For The Redeemed

    Father, the vast majority won’t get asked to sing a solo in church nor do they play musical instruments. Even clapping their hands in rhythm is a major challenge. Perhaps they will be granted these skills in heaven where they will enjoy that which they were denied here on earth. But, whether we’re skilled musicians…

  • A Prayer For Faith That Sees The Invisible

    Father, as we live by faith and not by sight we see much of what the world does not see because we see it through eyes of faith. By faith we see a risen Savior who died for us and who is now interceding on our behalf. By faith we see the coronation day when…

  • A Prayer For A Spiritual Rebound

    Father, I lay my sins on Jesus, the spotless Lamb of God. I’m so thankful for Jesus who bears them all and frees me from the accuser’s condemnation. I confess my sins to You, both big and small, so that my crimson stains are washed white in the blood of the sinless Lamb of God…

  • A Prayer For Being Equally Yoked

    Jesus, You call us to come unto You and find rest. We are to take Your yoke upon ourselves so that we are not singly walking in our limited strength, our imperfect wisdom, or our inadequate abilities. Instead we are yoked together with You, learning to walk in Your ways, following Your commandments which are…

  • A Prayer Of Thanks For Our Solid Foundation

    Father, we thank You for the hope we have which is an anchor for our soul, a hope both sure and steadfast. We’d like the world to believe in and comply with the teachings of Scripture so that our sojourn here is smooth with others affirming our decision to walk in Your ways, but Scripture…

  • A Prayer For Pleasing The Lord

    Father, we make it our goal to find out what pleases You and, thereby, seek to do what is right in Your eyes. And yet we readily confess that far more times than we like to admit we have lived in vain conceit and sought after worldly pleasure. Since we know that You walk in…