Author: SpiritualLight

  • A Prayer For Christ’s Ambassadors

    Father, whether in life or death, whether in times of rejoicing or times of enduring we make it our goal to testify to Your grace that keeps us keeping on. It is Your grace that makes us more than conquerors in this life and assures us of heaven in the hereafter. In our desire to…

  • A Prayer Of Antidote Against Complaining

    Father, it is impossible for me to give sincere thanks to You unless I have a grateful heart. Open my eyes to see and verbalize the little blessings that come even when I’m walking through dark clouds of difficulty. My daily blessings, by far, outnumber my troubles. Good health, comfortable shelter, abundant food, a loving…

  • A Prayer To Remember Our Blessings

    Loving Father, from Your generous hands flows every good and precious gift. We receive physical, material, relational, and spiritual blessings that far surpass our daily needs. We acknowledge that You are the one and only true God, the Savior and Redeemer of our soul. We give You glory for all that we are and all…

  • A Prayer For The Broken-hearted

    Loving Father, would You comfort and guide us when life’s trials disturb and even torment us – we will stumble and fall otherwise. Renew us, and help us to steadily grow in faith so that others may also know Your goodness, Your provision and comfort by our example of overcoming and trusting You for all…

  • A Prayer For Seeing The Unseen

    Father, help us to walk by faith and not by sight. Give us divinely prescribed vision to see the hosts of the heavenly army who stand guard to protect us or engage in warfare against our enemy in the heavenly realms. We clothe ourselves in Your armor so that we can take our stand against…

  • A Prayer For Seeing The Unseen Eternal

    In the maze of life’s events where we’re often a passenger on the roller coaster of life’s ups and downs, may we never lose sight of You, Jesus. You are the unseen but ever-present Shepherd who protects, guides and tenderly comforts us in all our trouble. Thank You, Lord, that when change is constantly about…

  • A Prayer For Leaving Evidence Of Our Faith

    Father, may the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart overflow through the works of my hands, the causes that I support, and the spiritual encouragement that I give to others. As I meditate upon Scripture and apply it to my life, it gives me a firm foundation upon which I remain…

  • A Prayer During The Floods Of Life

    Jesus, You describe the wise and foolish builders in Scripture: those who say, “Lord, Lord” but don’t do as You teach are like a person who builds a house on the ground without a firm foundation. The moment the torrent struck that house, it collapsed and its destruction was complete. We want to be among…

  • A Prayer For Spiritual Orientation

    Jesus, You are the Solid Rock that keeps us anchored in this vast landscape of shifting sands. Our unfading hope is secured in Your finished work on the cross and our guide map is the inspired Holy Scriptures that make us wise unto salvation. Help us to resist the temptation to look at anything the…

  • A Prayer For Hearing God’s Voice

    Jesus, day after day, we hear familiar voices and repeated sounds that have become a routine part of our lives. In the midst of all the clamoring noises we want to make time in our busy schedule to become familiar with Your voice so that we’re led by Your spirit in that which we do…