Author: SpiritualLight

  • A Prayer To The One Called Faithful and True

    Dear Jesus, on that great appointed day we will behold You in all of Your glory, power and splendor! Your appearance will far surpass the glimpse of a superstar, for You are the King of kings and Lord of lords! And because You are faithful You will not shirk Your duties but You will bring…

  • A Prayer For An Eternal Perspective

    Jesus, it’s clear in Scripture that the attainment of worldly riches can narrow a person’s vision to earth-sightedness. Their sight is fixed upon that which can be experienced only on this side of heaven. But You’ve called us to be farsighted in that we lay down anything that hinders our vision of that which is…

  • A Prayer For True Wisdom

    Father, we cry out to You for help as Satan seeks to eradicate the essential underpinnings of our Biblical faith through his ever-growing distortions of that which is derived not only from Scripture but even from our good common sense, our natural ability to make good judgment and to behave in a practical, sensible way.…

  • A Prayer For Spiritual Knowledge

    Father, Your Word is a lamp unto my feet and a light for my path. I don’t want to be destroyed for lack of knowledge nor do I want to be caught up in sin due to my disobedience to Your commands. As I read the words of Scripture and hear them expounded upon by…

  • A Prayer For Remaining Steadfast

    Father, I marvel at the trace of Your hand in my life. If I were to speak of the “stones” of deliverance and provision the first and most important “stone” would be the moment You delivered me from darkness and transferred me into the kingdom of Your light. You took the uncertainties of my life…

  • A Prayer For Not Shrinking Back

    Father, You indicate in Scripture that the righteous live by faith; and if he shrinks back, You will take no pleasure in him.* When we live by faith we find inner joy and lasting hope from Your promises, not only those already fulfilled but those yet to come. At the end of our earthly existence…

  • A Prayer To The Infinite God

    Father, Your Word is a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path giving direction when I would otherwise be led astray. Help me to daily remember that You do the leading and I do the following, since You know all things including the past, present and future. In Your infinite knowledge and…

  • A Prayer For Faithful Disciples

    Jesus, help me to determine in my heart that Your words, “Follow Me” will far surpass the importance of any other mission I am called to in my life time. I pray that my goals, achievements, and ambitions do not conflict with the major calling but further establish for me a firm foundation where my…

  • A Prayer For Contentment

    Father, when I get overly anxious about having the latest gadget or the newest fashion I usually overlook the fact that I have so much already at my disposal. So much, in fact, that I struggle to properly manage my possessions and can be overwhelmed with clutter. We thank you for those who model contentment…

  • A Prayer For Being Christ-like

    Father, You have given us the greatest example of a humble spirit in the person of Your Son, Jesus Christ, who had nowhere to lay His head. He went to where the needs were rather than the place where comforts awaited Him. This is most especially expressed when He gave up His position in heaven…