Author: SpiritualLight
A Prayer Of Thanks For God’s Creation
Father, as we consider this world and all its fullness we are blessed by the abundance of beauty – fields of daisies, the rolling hillsides, the great and small bodies of water, the sandy sea shores, the giant oaks, mountain ranges so magnificent they’re viewed for hundreds of miles, landscapes splashed with every imaginable shape…
A Prayer For Mercies In Disguise
Father, we live in Your grace that enables us to seek You more fervently as You produce in us a persevering spirit in the midst of adversity. Instead of driving us to hopeless despair, our suffering produces perseverance and perseverance produces proven character whereas proven character brings about a mature hope that turns our disappointments…
A Prayer For Child-Like Faith
Father, I’m so glad our citizenship is in heaven where we eagerly await our Savior from there, the Lord Jesus Christ, who will transform our lowly bodies so that we will be like His glorious body. We’re also glad for the repairs we can make to these mortal bodies that keep us living and experiencing…
A Prayer Of Thanks For Christ’s Refuge
Father, You are a shelter in the time of storm and a refuge in the time of danger. You not only protect but You provide for our every need. The cross is our refuge where we flee from the penalty of sin and it is our provision for eternal life because we now approach the…
A Prayer For Love And Kindness
Father, our lives are often tossed to and fro by the billows of heartache, loss, disappointment and uncertainty. We’re so grateful for caring friends who are like the islanders of Malta in Acts 28 who cheer us on and wave us in as we’re seeking dry and steady ground. They welcome us with warmth like…
A Prayer For Patience And Forbearance
Father, I feel such deep gratitude when I consider how patient You are with my frequent shortcomings and outright defiance. You don’t toss me aside and move on to a more deserving person, but You continue to come alongside me and Your Word continues to speak to my heart, refresh my spirit, and guide me…
A Prayer For Being Thankful In All Things
Father, we confess that undesirable circumstances can prompt an attitude of grumbling instead of gratitude, unless we have developed the spirit of gratitude which does away with grumbling. It doesn’t come as naturally as the common five senses but Your Word develops our sense of gratitude as we apply its truths and prayerfully adapt it…
A prayer of Deliberately Remembering
Father, we drink of the crushed fruit of the vine to remind us of Christ’s pouring out His life’s blood so that we might have forgiveness of sins. We eat the communion bread made from wheat that is cut down, threshed about, and put to the fire. So too, Jesus, the Bread of Life was…
A Prayer For Opened Eyes
Father, remove the scales of indifference, fear, skepticism, doubt, and unbelief along with any other unwanted attitudes or traits that would keep me from giving You my all. When the scales are removed I no longer see that which holds me back but I see Jesus who said, “….With God all things are possible.” When…
A Prayer For Singing God’s Praises
Father, I will sing unto You, my Lord, as long as I live. I will sing praise to You, my King, while I have my being. My meditation of You shall be sweet, for I will be glad in the Lord. I will bless You at all times. Your praise shall continually be in my…