Author: SpiritualLight

  • A Prayer For Following Jesus

    Father, we don’t pray for a life of ease since we know that virtues listed in Scripture are often refined in our lives through the challenges, the overcomings, the mistakes and the hours we spend in prayer seeking You above all else. May the nature of Christ be much more visible than our human nature…

  • A Prayer For Spiritual Watchmen

    Father, it is through devout godly people that You repair, restore and rebuild lives as they raise up the unchanging, ever relevant ancient words of Scripture. It takes faithful watchmen who serve with great vigilance, untiring in presenting the unchanging truths of the Holy Scriptures to a world that is continuously and increasingly desecrating that…

  • A Prayer For Making A Difference

    Father, the call to snatch the sinner from hell is similar to a fireman snatching one who would otherwise be engulfed in flames. We are in the soul saving business and our mission is urgent since time is running out. Just as a loving brother or sister reached out to us with the message of…

  • A Prayer For Knowing God

    Father, deep within our soul there is a yearning to know You more, to identify with You in Your power, and even in Your suffering, and also in Your victory over Satan. What a powerful example You give us as You were tempted in the desert for 40 days and 40 nights. Satan had a…

  • A Prayer For God’s Comfort

    Father, Your rod and Your staff are a daily comfort to me. I’m comforted in the midst of my suffering because You promise to preserve my life, whether in this life or the next. May Your unfailing love, according to Your promise, be my daily companion and steady comfort. Not only is it a comfort…

  • A Prayer For Faithful Friends

    Father, we are grateful that Jesus hears our prayers, knows of our troubles and intercedes on our behalf. But there are times when we are in need of the compassion of a caring “in the flesh” friend; one who will pray, listen, lend support, and interject thoughts, experiences or suggestions that help us to bear…

  • A Prayer For Running Well

    Jesus, the race You’ve marked out for us doesn’t require nearly as much physical stamina as it does spiritual endurance. Those who are physically weak due to disease, illness, and aging are just as qualified to run as those who have young athletic bodies. It’s a spiritual race where You call us to perseverance as…

  • A Prayer For Overflowing Hope

    Father, I have hope because I’ve anchored my faith in Your Holy Word and the unchanging character of who You are. It is not the circumstances of my day that will determine my eternal future, but it is the hope I have in Jesus Christ, the Redeemer of my soul, that overrides the temporal and…

  • A Prayer For Being Lightbearers

    Father, You make our light shine brightest when we’re surrounded by darkness. We don’t seek to blend into the darkness but want to shine Your light so that those walking in darkness can see the way to repentance. Even as we’re able to see God in the face of Christ, may the world see Christ…

  • A Prayer For Being A Spiritual Light

    Father God, we are a chosen generation, a people set apart to show forth the praises of Christ who has called us out of darkness into Your marvelous light. Since You have illumined our darkness we will not conceal it, but rather shine forth wherever we are; in the marketplace, in our homes, in the…