Author: SpiritualLight

  • A Prayer For Being Rich Toward God

    Father, You have shown the greatest example of what it is to be rich toward us in countless ways, but most especially when You gave Your only Son to be our Savior. You extended to us full forgiveness when we could do nothing to earn it. May we likewise be rich toward You giving ourselves…

  • A Prayer For Making A Joyful Noise

    Father, it must surely sadden Your heart that we’re quick to talk about the weather, politics, gossip or about the latest fashion, tool or electronic gizmo but we’re slow to speak about the Rock of our salvation. Why should we hesitate to be boisterous about the amazing ways You work in our lives every day…

  • A Prayer For Blessings

    Father, we are confident that You will provide for all our needs as we obey Your commands. You have instituted work from the very beginning so that we can provide for ourselves that which we have need of. Your blessings fall upon those who obey You, those who are not idle or wasteful. We lift…

  • Confession Of Sin

    Merciful Father, we confess our sins to You. You are the One who cleanses our hearts so that we stand righteous before You through Jesus Christ our Lord. It is not in ourselves that we are made righteous, for our righteousness is as filthy rags. It is in Jesus’ death and resurrection that we are…

  • A Prayer For Being God’s People

    Father, once we were not a people, but now we are Your people; once we had not received mercy, but now we have received Your mercy. Because we are recipients of Your mercy we want to show mercy, kindness, and love to others who sojourn with us from day to day. The passions of the…

  • A Prayer For Spiritual Vitamins

    Father, Your kingdom is an everlasting kingdom, and Your dominion endures through all generations right down to our own. You are faithful to all Your promises and loving toward all that You have made so we rely on Your faithfulness and love to guide us and hold us firm when the world around us is…

  • A Prayer For Being Faithful

    Father, we look into the book of Daniel and see that the Babylonian society in which he was held captive, from youth through old age, was godless and hostile to those seeking to live in obedience to You. Nevertheless Daniel prayed openly and faithfully to You, never forsaking the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.…

  • A Prayer For Generations

    God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, Your mercy endures to all generations. Your truths are timeless and Your provisions are abundant to those who call upon your name. Help us to gratefully declare Your faithfulness to our generation so that generations to follow will also call on the name of the Lord and be saved…

  • A Prayer For A Blessed Day

    Heavenly Father, upon awakening this day and drawing our first conscious breath we acknowledge Your hand of blessing in our lives. Even as the rays of sunlight dissipate the vast darkness we’re reminded of Your victorious power that melts the clouds of despair replacing them with renewed hope. Enable us to look beyond the unwelcome,…

  • A Prayer For Lasting Marriages

    Father, what a joy it is to walk along life’s pathway with a loving companion who is present during times of celebration and times of disappointment. It seems that You make him strong when I am weak, and when he is weak You make me strong. You blend our strengths and weaknesses to make us…