Category: Prayer

  • A Prayer For Living in God’s Pattern

    Father, as followers of Christ, we look to the Bible for guidance, for wisdom, and for our origins. In Genesis You said, “Let us make mankind in our image, in our likeness, so that they may rule over the fish in the sea and the birds in the sky, over the livestock and all the…

  • A Prayer For Working And Providing

    Father, we thank You for our family members who work hard day in and day out to provide for the physical and material needs of their spouses and children. Help us to value and obey the pattern you established. We pray for our unemployed readers who want to provide for their families according to Scripture.…

  • A Prayer To The Only Savior

    Jesus, we thank You that salvation comes from You alone. We would fall way too short if we relied on our good works, our personality, our status in life or our worldly accumulation to purchase our salvation. You are the sinless Lamb of God, the only acceptable sacrifice to God, who provides salvation to every…

  • A Prayer To The Alpha and The Omega

    Jesus, You are the Alpha and the Omega, the Beginning and the End. Your existence spans eternity for You always have been and always will be. Because of Your generous act of redemption, our bodies will no longer be clothed in flesh but will take on immortality that exists for all eternity future. Our days…

  • A Prayer of Thanks For Redemption

    Father, there is nothing that brings greater satisfaction than the deep, settled peace in my soul that results from receiving Your forgiveness. Jesus paid the debt for my sin. He paid it in full and I fully commit my life to Him. There isn’t one merit badge I can earn or apply to my standing…

  • A Prayer For Memory

    Father, we thank You for the inspiration of Your Holy Spirit that enabled the writers of Scripture to record that which would show us the way to You through Your Son, Jesus. The words of Scripture not only show us the way to salvation but guide us in our life’s journey. May Your Words be…

  • A Prayer For Having Faith To Look Ahead To Our Reward

    Father, keep my eyes focused on my future eternal reward as I run with perseverance the race marked out for me. Help me to exercise godly discernment so that I can readily identify opposition from the enemy as a tactic to make me falter or to steer me completely off course. Just as runners must…

  • A Prayer Of Thanks For God’s Faithfulness

    Father, we give thanks for the men and women who have given their lives for our freedoms over the centuries. We also give thanks for those who have impacted our spiritual lives as we seek to live faithfully for You; the Biblical saints, the early church fathers, the martyrs of the faith, the evangelists, preachers,…

  • A Prayer For Full Assurance Of Faith

    Father, as heirs of Your salvation, we have been purchased with the sacrificial blood of Your precious Son, Jesus. He gave His all that we might be saved from the eternal consequences of sin and have our names written in the Lamb’s Book of Life. We have the blessed assurance that we are redeemed from…

  • A Prayer To A Merciful God

    Father, we thank You for the redeeming blood of Jesus that imparts mercy and pardon for my sins. Wretched as I may be, Your mercy is greater! Only a God like You chooses to delight in expressing mercy to the undeserving masses that defy Your Holy Name. Thank You for reaching me in the depth…