Category: Prayer

  • A Prayer To Him Who Loves Us

    Father, because of Your supreme love for me I am not consumed by Your wrath nor do I receive the deserved penalty for my sin. Instead, You have forgiven even me, cared for me and loved me so much You that You sent Jesus to lay His life down for even me that I might…

  • A Prayer For An Attitude Of Rejoicing

    Father, we’re told to do everything without complaining, so that we shine like stars in the universe. We know that people are drawn to light where brightness is present and warmth is extended. Help our conversation to be full of grace, tenderness, light, and truth so that we will positively affect those around us. May…

  • A Prayer For A Tuned Heart

    Father, I want my heart to be tuned to Your Truth and righteousness, for You are the Way, the Truth and the Life. I place my complete trust in You and reject the godless trends and vain philosophies promoted by the world. May Your words be embedded in my heart and mind through the faithful…

  • A Prayer For Listening To God

    Loving Father, we who claim to be Your children recognize Your voice and choose to listen and follow You. Many other voices beckon and personalities charm but Your divine love surpasses all earthly images because of Jesus, the Great Shepherd, who laid down His life for us. Your love so amazing, so divine demands my…

  • A Prayer For Spiritual Discernment

    Father, just as we hunger and thirst for physical substance, intensify our hunger and thirst for godly discernment, spiritual knowledge, and righteous living. Jesus declared, “Blessed are they who hunger and thirst after righteousness.” Only as we regularly nurture our spiritual appetite will we delve into the riches of the wisdom and knowledge of God.…

  • A Prayer For The Homeward Bound

    Father, we’re abundantly grateful for our earthly dwellings where we find pleasure, companionship, comfort, rest and sustenance. If we’re not intentional, we will give more time and affection to our temporal home than our future eternal home. Perhaps it’s because we’re living in the here and now and the future seems so distant and unfamiliar.…

  • A Prayer For Drawing Near To God

    Father, there is a place of quiet rest and spiritual uplifting when we draw near to You. So many activities, attractions, and affections rival for our attention. But when we prioritize by giving You first place we give opportunity for You to “show your love to a thousand generations of those who love you and…

  • A Prayer For Perfect Peace

    Father, because we place our trust in You as our sovereign Lord we have an enduring peace that You are the Great Deliverer and that You work all things together for good to those who love You and are called according to Your purpose. We seek to glorify Jesus, our Solid Rock, who was put…

  • A Prayer For Doing The Will Of The Father

    Father, Your Word teaches us that the way to heaven isn’t secured by what we say with our lips or the label we go by. Instead the way to heaven is found through surrendering our lives to Jesus Christ who is the Way, the Truth, and the Life. As we surrender to Your will we…

  • A Prayer To God Who Leads Us Along

    Father, we pray for those who are walking in the valley of the shadow of death with a loved one today. Give them deep abiding peace and calm assurance in place of worry and fear as they’re confronted with the circumstances that surround them this day. We pray for their loved one who is waging…