Category: Prayer

  • A Prayer For Going On After Adversity

    Father, we know that life is full of ups and downs for everyone, even the most diligent spiritual warrior. Help us to work through these jolts of the unexpected and unwelcome interruptions that bring sadness, disappointment or a change of perfect plans. It’s how You work Your purpose in our lives as we overcome and…

  • A Prayer For The Time Of Mourning

    Father, we rejoice in the feasting periods and reflect in the mourning periods of our life. The richest experiences that shape our character are from the great highs and the deep lows we encounter over a lifetime. Not only do we spend time reflecting, studying, and learning from these experiences, but they speak to us…

  • A Prayer To Jesus, The Word Of God

    Father, Your love is so great for the human race that You sent Jesus, the Word of God, that those who walked in darkness could see the great light; the light sent from heaven illuminating the righteous path that leads us to our glorious eternal destination in heaven. Our earthly journey is wearing, and sometimes…

  • A Prayer For Standing Our Ground

    Jesus, You warned Your listeners as You sat on the Mount of Olivet that at the end of the age nation will rise against nation, kingdom against kingdom, famines, and earthquakes will be commonplace. Believers will be handed over to be persecuted and many will turn away from the faith as wickedness increases. In the…

  • A Goal To Please The Lord!

    Father, I make it my goal to please You in 2022. So many goals I make only last for a season, but when I set goals for righteous living the rewards will last not only for this life but for all of eternity. In setting my goals to help me to be willing to lay…

  • A Prayer Of Thanks For The Manger

    Father, we thank You for Jesus who modeled the supreme example of humility, when He chose to be born of a simple virgin youth, to be fathered by a young Jewish carpenter, and to be delivered in a smelly setting among noisy, dirty and loud animals. You selected an angelic host to declare the good…

  • A Prayer For Hope In The New Year

    Father, inevitably in one way or another we have been and we will be tossed about in the tempest sea of life. We will stay afloat as we hold onto the hope secured through Your promises in the Holy Scriptures. When doubts and fears begin to consume our thoughts help us to cling tightly to…

  • A Prayer For The Year-end

    Father, we embark upon another year with Your guidance and presence in all that we undertake, all that we endure, and all that we accomplish. May we be mindful not of ourselves first, but of those who journey with us day after day. Let us be quick to encourage, ready to reach out, and faithful…

  • A Prayer For A Smile

    Father, I consider the words of Nehemiah who wrote, “The joy of the Lord is my strength” and Solomon who reminds us that “A cheerful heart is a good medicine.” Both verses speak about matters of the heart where we store up Your love, joy, and goodness. Help us not to rely solely on external…

  • A Prayer For Compassion

    Father, we have freely received Your gift of forgiveness and salvation. Because of this, we are motivated by compassion for the lost as we recognize their ultimate human need is to have a spiritual relationship with You. We want to be a part of the ultimate mission in reaching them with the gospel message so…